Friday, December 11, 2015

FLASH Starts in January

We will be starting F.L.A.S.H. (Family Life And Sexual Health). It is state required and  approved. It will be taught as part of life science. If you have questions about the content or curriculum don’t hesitate to contact me. There is an Opt Out form, but you are required to review the curriculum at the below link sign the Opt Out form.

Here is the list of topics we will cover.
Sex Roles
Sexual Exploitation (abuse)
Reproductive System

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Josh Hill

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dogboy Review by Amelia J

Dogboy by Christopher Russell,

Dogboy is about an orphan boy who lives with Sir Edmund's Dogs in medieval times. He is betrayed by Sir Edmund's huntsmen when they go to war, but becomes the huntsman himself later on.

This book was really good! It is exciting and really suspenseful. I love how there is no explicit "bad guy" Although the cover is weird, this book is awesome.

Weekly Update

This week in science we have looked at several aspects of gravity. Reading about Sir Isaac Newton and his theories and watching a video about how gravity shaped the universe. We will continue to delve into gravity and how it's force effects us on Earth. Next week we will be look into the seasons and how the moons phases look to us.

In Reading we are finishing up with The Giver by Lois Lowry. Students are writing about theme or other main ideas from the book and are practicing, paraphrasing, citing and taking notes.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Candy Drive

Hi all!
I received an awesome email this morning from the Dentist office, Fidler on the Tooth, that sponsored our challenge for Halloween this year. Check out the post that they put up about us on their social media and their blog! Cascadia is famous! Nice work everyone. J Thank you for all your support! We will be work with the teachers whose classes earned extra PE days when we get back from the holiday break to schedule in their extra days. J
Have a great Thursday,

Mrs. Shirley Briones

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Book Review by Yoshi Takeno

Chicken Hare by Chris Grine

Chicken Hare is the name of a the book and the main character, a rabbit with feathers and the legs of a chicken. Chicken Hare and his friend, Abe, are sold to the taxidermist Klaus. Chicken Hare and Abe must escape from Klaus and his staff and also help a mysterious goat which Chicken Hare is seeing.

In the beginning, it is not apparent where Chicken Hare and Abe come from. Also, the story plot does not describe much.