Friday, April 29, 2016

Weekly Update

We continued our Solutions and Pollutions unit with a couple labs, investigating solvents and solutes. Students also received their final project packets, in which they are tasked with designing a way to treat "ACME" wastewater.

Social Studies
There was some events that prevented us from having social studies this week, but we continued the events leading up to the Revolutionary War, including the French and Indian war and the Boston Tea Party.

On Thursday, the class split in half and went to the middle school Q&A for JAMS (Jane Adams Middle School) and HIMS (Hamilton International Middle School.) Some common misconceptions about middle school were answered, such as homework, classes, and rules. Many students have fears or worries about middle school, and this can be viewed as a big change in life.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Upcoming Testing Schedule

5th Grade Practice Day on Thursday 5/5
418 Lab-9:30-10:30 Hill
418 Lab-10:30-11:30 Savage
418 Lab-11:30-12:30 Underdahl

Week 1: 5/9-5/13 Math
Tuesday & Wednesday Library Lab AM Hill
Tuesday & Wednesday 418 Lab AM Underdahl
Tuesday & Wednesday 418 Lab PM Savage

Week 2: 5/16-5/20 Reading
Tuesday & Wednesday Library Lab PM Hill
Tuesday & Wednesday 418 Lab AM Underdahl
Tuesday & Wednesday 418 Lab PM Savage

Friday, April 22, 2016

Weekly Update

This week we started our unit on Solutions and Solutions and did two very good labs about solvents and solutes. Students should have a good understanding of what a solution is and how basic filters work. We also had a guest speaker. Josh Knowlis, father of Luke ran an amazing simulation of an environmental debate that I think students learned a lot from. Being able to be not only scientists but thinking about other points of view in order to solve environmental problems will give students a great understanding about how the world works.

Social Studies for Mr. Hill
This week we looked at some of the things that led up the revolutionary war and in the next few weeks we will be covering the Boston Massacre and the war itself. I am excited to be running a simulation of the First Continental Congress and I think students will really get into their parts.

We also elected several positions this week using a caucus system. It was a very good learning moment and I think that every person, including me learned a great deal about politics and themselves.

Congratulations to
Paige for Winning Class President
Noah for Winning Class Secretary
Reed for Winning Ambassador

Friday, April 8, 2016

Weekly Update

Social Studies
This week was the Colonial Market Place and we had some amazing displays. From period pastries to potions from the apothecary to leather goods, we had it all. Students presented a day in the life of a colonist and really got into character. All students were able to talk in great depth about their colonists.

Here are some pictures that show just how much effort these kids put into their work.

We finished the diversity of life unit by making models of cells. Students put a lot of energy and time into making great models that show all the organelles of typical cells for either plants or animals. Some students took it further and made models of specific cells, such as a great one of a muscle cell.

Youth Ocean Conservation Summit.

One of our students will be attending this event and it looks like a great opportunity.

Youth Ocean Conservation Summit. Details on the event are available on the Seattle Aquarium website:

Monday, April 4, 2016

Colonial Market Place

April 5, 1:30-3

All Parents are invited to attend and we still need volunteers to help manage students between classrooms.

Field Trips

We have several opportunities to chaperone again this year and you have already taken the time to get your paper work in. First we will need some help with students during Colonial Marketplace. After that we will have a field trip to the Wing Luke Museum on May 3rd. We are also planning a walking field trip to Greenlake in May. Let us know if you are interested and we will do our best to accommodate everyone. The goal is to have 1 chaperone for every 10 students and we are trying very hard to follow district guidelines. Thanks again for your help and support.