Monday, June 27, 2016

2015-2016 Yearend

Wow, the year is over and what a great year it was! from Islandwood to Golden Gardens, from stream tables to cell models, and all that came in between. We had so much fun and learned a little along the way.

Thank you to all the students who worked hard and to all the parents who supported them. Thanks also for the generous gifts that were given. I was so appreciative of all that contributed to make this years classroom a success.

Go Red Panda's

Friday, June 10, 2016

Weekly Update

This week in science students finished writing and typing up their analysis for the final experiment for Solutions and Pollutions. They got to design their own way of cleaning the waste water and make recommendations to the company based on their findings. We also took a trip with PMR and had a great time taking samples and examining life in the Puget Sound.

Hill Social Studies
We looked this week at the writing of the Constitution and how it is the framework for the United States Government. Students discussed the difficulties and advantages of a constitutional government and how they would set it up. We had many great conversations about the balance of power in the original 13 states.

Language Arts
We continue to listen to the student-written plays in writing.  We’ve been studying farce so the plays are getting pretty funny.  We are preparing for the Triad Playwriting Festival that will be held on the last day of school, from 11:30-12:30.  Six plays will be chosen next week to get a staged reading.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

End of the Year Field Trips

We have two trips planned the last week of the year.

First, we will be taking kids to Golden Garden on Tuesday, June 21st in the morning. Buses will be picking us up at about 10:15 and taking us out for a day of fun. Parents will need to pickup their children from Golden Gardens on that day by 3:30.

Then on Thursday after graduation we will be walking across the street to Wallingford Park for a picnic. Family is invited to this and we hope to have great fun. We will also be launching our rockets from science class.

We are also looking for chaperones for both trips and need at least 2 from each class to be able to go. If you are available for either trip, please let your homeroom teacher know.

P.S. We also need 2 liter bottles for rockets. If you have some lying around or if you can save some, they would be appreciated.

Thank You.

Weekly Update

This week we started our report on cleaning waste-water. Students had designed a procedure for cleaning the ACME Waste water and successfully conducted tests to get data. This week they started their analysis and next week will typing up their final report for the ACME Company. We combined this with some very thorough testing of Greenlake water during our walking field trip. The field trip was a great one and students rotated from station to station and participated in several scientific investigations.

Social Studies Hill
This week students wrapped up the revolutionary war and took their first look and the formation of the new government. We talked about John Locke and the idea of the right to Life, Liberty and Property. Next week we will be looking at the constitution.