Thursday, January 26, 2017

Review material for unit rates and proportional relationships. Chapter 1

The Chapter test is next Tuesday and today students will get a packet with study material and time in class to work on it. Below are a few resources for them to use if they are stuck.

1-4 Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships 

1-5 Graphing Proportional Relationships 

1-6 Solve Proportions

Friday, January 6, 2017

Weekly Update 1/6/17

This week we worked on One and Two-step equations in algebra. Next week we will finish up with in-equalities in algebra and take the chapter test on Thursday. Most students have been enjoying algebra and the puzzles it presents.

We started FLASH this week and set up our norms for conversations we will be having in class. I have encouraged students to talk with their parents about discussions and to take breaks if they are uncomfortable in class. Things have started very smoothly and I look forward to the rest of the unit.

Additionally, check the previous post about Science Fair Friday. This will be what we are working on every Friday until the fair.

Student Computers:
Mr. Brown and I, have several computers in our classrooms that we use for different purposes. From building things in Sketchup to writing assignments and research they are very useful to fulfill technology needs in class. However they are not supported by the district because they were donated by parents and we need some help to keep them running effectively. They are very cluttered with un-needed applications and add-ons and we need some ones help to make them more useful. If you happen to have some expertise in this area, we would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Science Fair

In fifth grade every student is asked to participate in the 5th Grade Science Fair. We have yet to pick an exact date for the fair but we will be giving students at least a month of Fridays to work on it in class. Students will be given time to research, conduct experiments and work on presentation and in the end present to parents during the day for the fair.

Here is a packet that you can use to work through with your student as they develop a plan for their project. They have been given time and direction in class and some students are choosing to work with a partner, so they can break up the tasks.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.