Friday, February 17, 2017

Weekly Update


The test for chapter 1 was handed back this week and students are expected to take it home and make any revision that they want if they want to improve their grade. Those are due before the next grading period.
I have also handed each student a report of missing work and if they want to complete anything over the break you can find links to the worksheets on schoolology.

This week we worked on percent's and finding either the part, the whole or the percent in a problem. We learned four different methods for doing. Ask your student which one they preferred and why. Ask them how they knew they were looking for the part, the whole or the percent and how they new.

We wrapped up FLASH this week and will be starting the next unit when we get back. They will have to take the end of unit test when they get back though and it might be a good idea to review the things they have learned in class. Ask them about Family, Self-esteem, Sex Roles, Friendship, Decision-Making, Sexual Exploitation, Puberty, the Reproductive System, Pregnancy and HIV and see what they say.

Fifth Grade Science Fair is March 3rd:
This is coming up soon so students should be working on their presentation board. They were handed a check list of the requirements for the board.
Parents will be invited to come during the day and check out all the 5th grade science presentations.
In fifth grade every student is asked to participate in the 5th Grade Science Fair. Students will be given time to research, conduct experiments and work on presentation and in the end present to parents during the day for the fair. The fair will happen during the day.

Here is a packet that you can use to work through with your student as they develop a plan for their project. They have been given time and direction in class and some students are choosing to work with a partner, so they can break up the tasks.
Please feel free to contact Mr. Hill if you have any questions.