Thursday, April 19, 2018

All 5th graders in Washington State take an end of Elementary School culminating Physical Education test that is reported to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and Seattle Public Schools in our case. Please see the testing dates below for your individual student(s) based on their homeroom teacher. This study guide will help students be prepared for terms that they have been learning since kindergarten. The test is multiple choice and fill in the blank/short answer questions. There are 28 questions total taken over the course of 60 minutes on a computer. 
Mr. Hill - 5/9/18
Mr. Brown - 5/9/18

Weekly Update 4/19/18

Colonial Marketplace is next Friday, 4/27, from 12:00-1:30. Come join us for a 5th grade-wide living museum of a colonial marketplace.

I’m very excited to announce that one of our own 5th graders from Mr. Brown’s homeroom, Silvia, took 2nd place at Mopop’s Write out of this World science fiction and fantasy short story writing contest! Additionally, Ava from Ms. Savage and Ms. Holman’s room took 3rd place. You can read both of their stories, and other winning entries at,
Congratulations Silvia and Ava!
In math, we celebrated the scale model projects yesterday and you should see some of the amazing projects. If you get a chance, stop by and take a look.
In science the 5th Grade Science Fair is next Wednesday. Students will be given time on Monday to put together their presentations and I look forward to seeing all the great science fair projects. As a reminder, this is in conjunction with the Cascadia Science and Engineering Night that is also on the 25th.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Colony Project

Hi Families,

Students are working on a colony project for social studies, and there is a creative component to the project. Students have free range of how to present their information, including using games like Minecraft or making movies with ipads. They will have class time the next four days to work on their projects, and they may ask for permission to bring a device, like a laptop, to work on their project here at school. It is entirely up to you whether or not you are okay with that. I will be extra vigilante about locking up the classroom, and also provide a locked draw if students want to use that as an option—but I cannot replace items that are lost or stolen.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Thursday, April 5, 2018

JAMS Music Program Signup

Jane Addams INSTRUMENTAL Music Placement 
Students headed to Jane Addams Middle School who plan on or think they may participate in instrumental music, please sign up for a placement audition:
Orchestra (violin, viola, cello, bass) sign up:
Band sign up:
Students new to their instrument need not audition as they will be in beginning band or orchestra.

Orchestra: contact Ms. Schaefer
Band: contact Deb

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Weekly Update 4/4/18

There is a so much going on in the month of April!
  • Scale models are due April 16th!
  • The 5th Grade Science Fair is April 25th!
  • Cascadia Science and Engineering night is April 25th!
  • Colonial Market Place is April 27th!
  • The Colony Projects will be Presented the Week of the 27th!
Students are given time in class for all of these projects but are expected to spend time at home gathering materials and putting together presentation. Although there is so much going on, it will be a great month of really neat presentations.

Pacific marine research 
On Friday the class Is going on a boat 
Parents will drive their kids to pier 66 
And at the end of the day drive them back.