Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Weekly Update 11/13/19

Hello, family's of Mr. Hill, and Mr. Browns class. In Shakespeare we finished blocking everything, it's going so great. In Mr. Hills class we got new jobs. Such as electing secretary etc. In LA we read many short stories. Some of which students wrote, they did such a good job. In math we worked on finding the proportional relationship using graphs. In science we made a scientific explanation. In music class, we worked on the thriller flash mob. Mr. Browns class had a short story festival.

The students of Mr. Brown and Mr. Hill’s classes have started Shakespeare and are close to their performance date. Mr. Brown’s class will be performing on Tuesday, December 3rd, and Mr. Hill’s class will be performing on Thursday, December 5th. We hope all the families and friends of the cast will be able to make our evening shows, at 7 pm. Make sure to show up early, for the actors are required to be at the stage by 6:15. Each class will also be performing a matinee show for other students at Cascadia on the same date as their evening show. Your student should have gotten a list of what items of clothing they are expected to bring to school for their costumes. Also, a PDF version has been sent to your email. Please bring your costumes to school as soon as possible because we are starting dress rehearsals soon. Thank you all so much for your support and we will see you at the show! 

Brown's Homeroom 

This year in homeroom, we are grateful to have Ms. Lee’s class as our buddy class. The most recent visit from Ms. Lee’s class was, two weeks ago. The students either collaborated or did separate paintings of pumpkins with their buddies. 

Image result for dotted paintings of pumpkins 
This activity was inspired by the painting style of Yayoi Kusama. But the colors were not just brown and yellow, a couple of examples are green, black and red. For more information, ask your student. 

Language arts 
This past week, in language arts, we have been working on our stories. We have the choice of doing nanowrimo, short stories, or graphic novels. We have been focusing on how to write a good story, learning how to create an interesting character, and how to create a conflict (so far). We have also learned Stop, Notice & note, where we can better understand books that we are reading. Stop notice & note is where we find different kinds of things that come up in the books we read, such as: Memory moment, Aha moment, Again & Again, Contrasts and contradictions, words of the wiser, and tough questions. Using stop notice & note, we have analyzed multiple short stories. 

Science blog 
By: Sylvie 

Recently in science, we have been working on how dissolving works. In the beginning of the unit, we worked on learning how solid objects dissolve in a liquid. Generally, the liquid was water when we were investigating. We learned that sugar and citric acid dissolve in water in one of our experiments. Pepper does dissolve a little, but not very much. We were doing all of this to find out what ingredients would not leave sediment in salad dressing for Mrs. Harold, the president of Good Foods Incorporated.  

After writing a scientific explanation to Mrs. Harold, we moved on to what happens when you mix a liquid with a liquid. We figured out so far that liquids do not dissolve in other liquids, they just mix or separate. We learned that oil and water do not mix, they just separate, while vinegar and water mix together. This is some of what we have learned in science in the past unit.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Spirit Day

Dear families of Cascadia,

We are pleased to announce that Cascadia will be hosting our first Spirit Day on Wednesday, November 6. Patriotic Day is a day when students can wear red, white, and blue to represent our country’s colors. We are resembling America in honor of Veterans Day to appreciate those who have served and continue to serve in our military.

Happy Veterans Day!


Cascadia’s Spirit Committee