Wednesday, February 28, 2018

PE Update

Hello Cascadia Families!

The March PE Rocks Newsletter, PE schedule calendar and the PE monthly activity challenge are now up on Schoology. Soon we will be posting pictures and videos we have been taking in PE class for your viewing pleasure as well (it is all secure and follows all FERPA rules).

Many of you have already signed up to use Schoology as parents. Thank you! If you still need to sign up, please see the directions that follow.

To sign up for parent view of Schoology:

  1. First parents must create a Source account if they haven’t done so already. Directions are on this site.
  2. Then parents create a Schoology account. Directions are here
After you successfully sign up, please go to your students PE page from Cascadia to find the current month’s newsletter, as well as all archived newsletters from this school year. We will also be adding resources and/or pictures whenever possible.

If you are having trouble logging into Schoology, or navigating it at all, please email Karen Meyer directly: , as she is our Schoology contact.

Thank you for your help in signing up and logging in to stay up to date with your child’s PE program!

Your PE teachers,
Mrs. Briones and Ms. Sayles

Weekly Update 2/28/18 #3

The Olympics are over

The Olympics are over, and Norway has the most metals.
In the winter Olympics this year have ended with Norway in first place

In math we have just started geometry.
Geometry is the mathematical
study of shapes,
Angles, and lengths.
Here is a list of sites that could help. khan academy wiki
In science we are still in flash.

Here is a math problem leave your answer in the comments.
If you get it right, you can have your cartoon in the blog!
X2 ÷ 10 = (5y • 3) ÷ 3
(|y|+5)/6 = 1/6
X = __
Round to nearest hundredth if necessary

Weekly Update 2/28/18 #2

The Fifth Grade Science Fair project has been assigned. Students were given a packet that included instructions and expectations. They will be given work time in class each week (Mondays) to work on it and everyone is expected to complete a project. The due date is April 25th, which is the same day as Cascadia's Science and Engineering night. This is to facilitate students using the same project for both if they want to. We are encouraging students to participate in the Science and Engineering night but it is not mandatory. If you have any questions feel free to contact Mr. Hill at

Weekly Update 2/28/18 #1

Field Trips:
Anticipation for the upcoming Wrinkle In Time field trip is building. Students are reading the book with Mr. Brown. We now have enough chaperones and we thank you for volunteering. It should be a great day. Permission slips were emailed out yesterday but paper copies will be sent home Friday. Keep a lookout, so we can get them in.

The PMR or Pacific Marine Research field trip is coming up in April. For Mr. Hill's and Mr. Brown's class is going with Holman on the 6th. Here is a link to the website if you want to check it out. (This is a change from previous announcements)

We have collected a good portion of the money needed for Camp in June. Most people have sent the first check but an additional $200 is needed. If we could get them before Spring break, we would be set to go. If you need assistance with this, just send an email to Laura at

Thank you so much.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Weekly Update 2/7/18 #1

In math we are currently in percent rate and ratios
we have already covered percent equation
here are some helpful 

 In science about 1 
month ago we started flash
 and now we are
 finishing the exploitation unit
and starting the puberty unit

Friday, February 2, 2018

Weekly Updates 2/2/18

       hello parents this week in class we are doing a James town simulation. we are also doing shake-spear's twelfth night. "If music be the food of love play on. give me excess of it that, surfeiting the appetite may sicken, and so die"

      in  shake-spear we are memorizing duke Orsino's speech, hear it is
"If music be the food of love, play on
 give me excess of it that, surfeiting
the appetite may sicken and so die
that stain again, it had a dying fall
oh, it  came o'er my ear like the sweet sound
that breaths upon a bank of violets"

      in the James-town simulation we have all bean traveling for eleven weeks and we are nearly at america. (yes) unfortunately we had a mutiny. different groups did different things in response and we are still wasting for the results of our decision.

thank you for reading the blog