Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Weekly Update 2/7/18 #1

In math we are currently in percent rate and ratios
we have already covered percent equation
here are some helpful 

 In science about 1 
month ago we started flash
 and now we are
 finishing the exploitation unit
and starting the puberty unit


in an amazing turn of events
the patriots had a 1 point
lead at 2:25 when Foles passed to
This week in math we have been working with percent's and tax.

In social studies we're doing the Jamestown simulator where we are trying to build a colony in Virginia. We make choices that reflect on the book making 13 colony's that we read in Mr. Browns class. We are currently just arriving at Virginia in hopes of building a successful colony.

Heather is currently teaching us about old English, and Iambic Pentameter. This is the pattern which we speak in Shakespeare. Where are trying out for our parts on Thursday.

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