Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Here is the packing list for Nature Bridge. Make sure to pack for 2 nights, 3 days. Please get in touch with your homeroom teacher if you need a sleeping bag or anything else, and please let your homeroom teacher know if you have extra supplies that you can lend—we will try our best to make sure everyone has what they need without having to buy new gear.

Departure: We will need to be on the bus and left school by 7:30 in order to make the Ferry so please be at the school before 7:15. We will be here as early as 7:00.
Return: We have also heard that there may be construction on the way back so we will probably be back at the school about 5:00 P.M. If we get back any earlier, we will send out an email to let you know. If that does happen we will still be at school until 5 for supervision.
Please contact our wonderful room parents if you need help coordinating car pools.
Please note that no students should be bringing electronics, including cell phones. The only electronics that a student may bring include a flashlight and camera (that only functions as a camera). The camp is reachable by phone, and students can reach out to families through teachers if needed.

Here is the link to for more information.

The store will not be open; students can bring money for the ferry ride, but please keep it a small amount.
Lastly, please remember to pack your student a lunch for the first day.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

          This week we began the SBA testing. Mr. Hill's class started the Math CAT, and Mr. Brown's class started the ELA CAT. Some opinions from Mr. Hill's students were negative, and some were slightly positive. We interviewed three students - two girls and one boy, Caleb, Ruth, and Abby, and asked what they thought about the test. Ruth thought that the test was okay, Caleb thought the test was AWFUL, and Abby said, "I have no feeling - I don't really care about the test." Hopefully everyone did a great job on the test, and they have more positive feelings about it!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Weekly Update 5/9/18

        This week in Social Studies we began presenting our colony project. The maps and other media are displayed in the hall. For our project, we needed to create a creative project, a map, and a timeline of our colony. 
Besides that, we have School Spirit week! So far we've had Mismatch Monday, where you mismatch your clothes or twin with another student, Teacher Appreciation day for Tuesday, and currently, Onesie Wednesday, where you wear your Onesie to school (or if you don't have one you wear your pajamas)!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Weekly Update 5/2/18

Last Friday we had the colonial market place. during this project we made a stand where we sat and told people about our profession. most of us made and traded goods related to our various professions. the goods include tea and biscuits. on Tuesday the bearded pineapples performed there production of twelfth night. the play was about an hour long and there was no intermission. the sloths will be performing twelfth night on Thursday...aka tomorrow. last Wednesday we had the science fair for the fifth grade.                                                

Science Fair Done
The science fair is over April 25th has passed
With many cool projects
Like a mag lev wooden block
Also what would happen
if there were two moons
in math we started learning
the fundamental counting principle

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Parent’s Night Out

Who: All Cascadia students are welcome, as well as younger siblings 4 years old and above.

What: An opportunity to drop your kids off at school for a night out! This event is our way of saying thank you to all of the parents who volunteered at Cascadia this school year.

When: Thursday, May 24th from 6:00-8:00pm, check in will start at 5:45pm.

Where: Cascadia Elementary! We will have a movie showing, board games, coloring pages, and recess equipment out in the courtyard.
Other Information:

-          There will not be dinner or snacks provided, your student is welcome to bring snacks to eat/drink during the event. Snacks are only allowed in the commons.

-          We will have activities provided but your student is welcome to bring playing cards, books, board games, any crafting supplies, but please no electronics. There is always a possibility of things getting lost, so keep this in mind when bringing items.

-          Your student is welcome to wear PJs and bring cozy stuff (a stuffy) for the movie.

-          If you are planning to bring a younger sibling, please ensure they can use the potty independently and are okay being away from parents for that long. We are expecting a large number of children to attend and it will be difficult to give one-on-one attention if a small child is scared or upset. Use your best judgement.


All RSVP emails must be sent to Katie Shae at and submitted by FRIDAY, MAY 18th. RSVP with your name, the names of your children, their teacher, and a phone number you will use the night of May 24th. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you for volunteering at Cascadia this year, we appreciate you!

PE Update


This will be held at Cascadia Elementary on our beautiful new shared field on Thursday, June 21st. Grades 4 and 5 will start at 8:25 am and end at 10:25 am. Grades 1, 2, and 3 will start at 11:30 am and end at 2:10 pm (3rd grade will be outside by themselves as a reward for being the top donation grade level in our Halloween Candy Challenge for the last 30 minutes 1:50-2:10 pm).

We will have classes representing different countries from around the world that your children are learning about in their classes.  A parade of nations will begin from student’s classrooms and continue around the track, followed by the presentation of flags on the field. Students will wear accessories, or comfortable clothing, to represent their class’ country for the parade of nations. Our goal is to promote learning about other countries and celebrate the diversity of our world on this celebratory day. Students should wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes for the day’s activities as well as sunscreen. Labeled water bottles are also highly encouraged on this day.

The Junior Olympic Games will consist of many stations where small groups will participate in different games and activities.

Please consider volunteering for field day to help run stations or set up and/or take down. We can’t have that fun and amazing day without you! Follow the link here to sign up through the PTA sign up genius:

Be happy, be healthy,
Mrs. Briones & Ms. Sayles