Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Here is the packing list for Nature Bridge. Make sure to pack for 2 nights, 3 days. Please get in touch with your homeroom teacher if you need a sleeping bag or anything else, and please let your homeroom teacher know if you have extra supplies that you can lend—we will try our best to make sure everyone has what they need without having to buy new gear.

Departure: We will need to be on the bus and left school by 7:30 in order to make the Ferry so please be at the school before 7:15. We will be here as early as 7:00.
Return: We have also heard that there may be construction on the way back so we will probably be back at the school about 5:00 P.M. If we get back any earlier, we will send out an email to let you know. If that does happen we will still be at school until 5 for supervision.
Please contact our wonderful room parents if you need help coordinating car pools.
Please note that no students should be bringing electronics, including cell phones. The only electronics that a student may bring include a flashlight and camera (that only functions as a camera). The camp is reachable by phone, and students can reach out to families through teachers if needed.

Here is the link to for more information.

The store will not be open; students can bring money for the ferry ride, but please keep it a small amount.
Lastly, please remember to pack your student a lunch for the first day.


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