Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Weekly Update 11/7/18

in Mr. Hill's class this week we have done multiple things, we had a wonderful Halloween party you can log on to class dojo to  see some of the  pictures. at the party there was karaoke and jar making not to mention  the fun games and the watching of the TV show "the worst witch" there was lots of nutritious Halloween snacks, the fun never stopped at this Halloween party.

As fifth graders we get the opportunities to make expectation videos!  now, you may be asking what theses are so I am going to tell you. what these are, are little shorts that are played at community meetings. they show you what to do and what not to do.

now lets talk about student council, we have recently split in to four groups/committees, the kindness committee, the spirit committee, the community meeting committee, and last but certainly not least community service committee. the kindness committee  is a group of people that walks around and makes sure everyone is being kind. the spirit comity is a group of people who makes sure everyone has schools spirit an they make all the school spirit days happen. the community meeting committee organizes all the community meetings, and the community service committee cleans up our school and makes it look so clean it sparkles!  this has been the blog.
By Paige

This week in Math, we had a math test and we started a fantastic new unit! What a busy week! We have been working on integers in math class recently. Now that were done with the unit, we took a test! On this test we had to: add, subtract, multiply, and divide! That’s a lot! After completing the test, we got calculators. What a relief! We also started a new unit about rates and ratios. Now, were learning non-stop and having so much fun! Math is awesome!  

This week in science, we started a new unit, we ended an old unit, and we even got the privilege to work with are amazing student teacher! Are old unit was the water cycle and water molecules. Did you know that they can be on land or in water? Now, were learning about matter. Matter makes up are planet and 5% of the universe! It's very important! Mr. Kinser, are fabulous student teacher, has been teaching us about rain shadow, and how to help East Ferris Island!(this is a problem we have been figuring out for 3 months!) Thanks so much Mr. Kinser!
By Georgia

 This week in reading and writing with Mr. Brown, we have been working on lot’s of great material, like NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo is an interactive writing program, and the goal? To write a novel over the month of November! Each student has a personal word goal that they try to achieve, it’s so much fun! We’ve been working on dialogue lately, and students have made lots of progress on their novels! We can’t wait to see how they turn out! Here’s the link for the NaNoWriMo:  

Social studies, is lot’s of fun! We read lot’s of articles on pros and cons for Columbus Day and took a writing assessment. We’ve also been watching a movie on the Americas before Columbus! We have learned so much!
By Amara

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