Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Cascadia Elementary Science and Engineering Night--April 25, 2019

Set up: 5:00 pm  Event time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Students are encouraged to participate and present their science projects.  The event is open to all grades and is optional.  Fifth graders are required to do a project for their curriculum and may choose to present it at the event if they wish.  Students may partner on a project.  Any science or engineering topic can be explored. In addition, there will be Hands-on Exhibits with Local Scientists, Engineers, and Tech Companies. Parent volunteers are needed to set up and clean up.  Please contact to volunteer or for any questions. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Weekly Update 3/13/19

Before we finished FLASH, we studied HIV and AIDS, and the effects of them, now we are stating a new unit. Ecosystem restoration, were we will learn how to restore ecosystems. 
We are doing equivalent expressions, were we are rewriting algebraic expressions. 
Porter N

 Hello Parents of the Orcas, and Fancy Bananas, 
We’ve had a CRAZY week. In S.T.E.M, we finished up F.L.A.S.H, we covered algebraic expressions with Mr. Kinzer (By the way it’s Mr. Kinzer’s last week of full-time teaching). In L.A. were finishing up our book clubs. And in Shakespeare we got our parts! And we will be working on our show. On the 13 of march we are having culture night from 5:30 to 8:00. In P.E. we are learning about volleying. And lastly in art we are doing a “self-directed” project. 
Porter G

Language Arts
In language arts, we have been working on the culture project this week and there have been some great pieces of art. Last nights culture night was a huge success and we thank all those people who showed their support. 

Reading/Social Studies
We have been meeting in our book clubs as all of us are reading books focused on colonial times. We are leading into the revolutionary war. We finished our books and now are creating theme pitches and are starting to write essays analyzing our books. 
Roles are assigned and students need to memorize their lines! A great way to help is to read lines with us throughout the evening and weekend.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Message from the Nurse.

Please share the following with families.

From the Nurse – Cascadia is seeing a number of students sick/home with/without a fever. Here is some important information about the Flu from the CDC. Please help staff and students here at school keep well by  keeping your student home if they are not looking or feeling well. Provide lots of rest, water and most importantly handwashing.

Keep your student home for at least 24 hours after fever is gone. Fever should be gone without the use of fever-reducing medicine.

Flu Symptoms
Influenza (also known as flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Flu is different from a cold. Flu usually comes on suddenly. People who are sick with flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
  • Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
*It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.
Cold vs Flu? Find out more here


Kari Asadorian BSN RN
Cascadia Elementary School Nurse

Friday, March 8, 2019

Dates to Remember

-March 21st Hill/Brown Field Trip to PMR

-April 8 -12, 2019 Spring break (no school)

-March 20th, 2019 5th Grade Science Fair (This is a corrections from an earlier post)

-April 29th: Instrumental Concert-Band

-May 1st: Instrumental Concert-Strings

-May 9th: Shakespeare “12th Night” (Brown/Hill)

-May 14th: Shakespeare “12th Night” (Brown/Hill)

Dates to remember!

-March 21st Hill/Brown Field Trip to PMR

-April 8 -12, 2019 Spring break (no school)

-March 20th, 2019 5th Grade Science Fair (This is a corrections from an earlier post)

-April 29th: Instrumental Concert-Band

-May 1st: Instrumental Concert-Strings

-May 9th: Shakespeare “12th Night” (Brown/Hill)

-May 14th: Shakespeare “12th Night” (Brown/Hill)

School News

School News:
From the PTA: if any teachers or staff wish to come to the Screenagers presentation, I think they should be able to do so without having to pay for a ticket. Have them either email to request tickets or use the discount code "DRAGONS" when they place the order. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Weekly Update and Shakespeare Information

Hello Brown & Hill Families,  
We haven’t had time for jobs like normal, and thus students have not prepared a newsletter, so I wanted to just give a quick update on LA/SS. First, there is a lot going on. Mr. Hill, Mr. Kinser, and I are checking planner each day; asking your student to show you their planner in the evening can help remind them of what they need to do. Students have a lot on their plate at the moment, but please remember that we do not grade down for late work, and sometimes students need to be reminded of that as well. Because of the snow days, we have a shortened timeline for some things, like Shakespeare, so they may have to put in more time at home to memorize their lines. We strive to keep workload balanced; please help students prioritize sleep and healthy habits above everything else. Additionally, please be in touch if you have questions/concerns.  

Shakespeare: Both classes have been working with Ms. Heather for two weeks now. They are “auditioning” today, which is more just theater class as usual. Heather runs auditions differently than a conventional audition; it is very low stress, and They will receive their parts today or tomorrow. Heather collects students’ top three choices for parts, as well as the size of role that they desire, and works hard to meet the needs of every student. Students will receive their part tonight or tomorrow. Please help by supporting students with they part that they get.  

Shakespeare performance dates are below. Students are required to come to the evening performance. Please get in touch with me if there is any conflict. 
Mr. Brown’s Class Performance Date: Thursday 5/9/19 - shows at 1pm and 7pm  
Mr. Hill's Class Performance Date: Tuesday 5/14/19 - shows at 1pm and 7pm  

Book Clubs: Students are reading a variety of historical fiction books taking place in colonial America, or in America just after the American Revolution. They are discussing their books on Tuesday and Thursdays and will be finishing up by next Thursday. They will be analyzing the themes present in their books, and completing a group creative project, similar for the one they completed for The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.  

Culture Project: Cascadia’s inaugural culture night is coming up next Wednesday, 3/13, at 5:30pm. Our 5th graders have an assignment to interview a close family member (it could be you!) about who they look up to/thinks of as a hero. Please join us on Wednesday for the culmination of their project.  

5th Grade Science Fair: Wednesday, March 20th is the Fifth Grade Science Fair. Completed tri-folds need to be ready to go at 8 a.m. All five classes will get a chance to move between rooms and see each project as well as have an assigned time to present their work. 

Thank you and sincerely, 
-Nathan, Josh and Jordan 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Permission Slips for PMR

Thank you so much to those parents that have turned in either the SPS permission slip and the PMR Photo Release form. I have noticed that I some people have given me one and not the other. Here they both are case you missed one.

Seattle Public Schools PMR Permission Slip

Pacific Marine Research Photo Release Form