Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Weekly Update 3/13/19

Before we finished FLASH, we studied HIV and AIDS, and the effects of them, now we are stating a new unit. Ecosystem restoration, were we will learn how to restore ecosystems. 
We are doing equivalent expressions, were we are rewriting algebraic expressions. 
Porter N

 Hello Parents of the Orcas, and Fancy Bananas, 
We’ve had a CRAZY week. In S.T.E.M, we finished up F.L.A.S.H, we covered algebraic expressions with Mr. Kinzer (By the way it’s Mr. Kinzer’s last week of full-time teaching). In L.A. were finishing up our book clubs. And in Shakespeare we got our parts! And we will be working on our show. On the 13 of march we are having culture night from 5:30 to 8:00. In P.E. we are learning about volleying. And lastly in art we are doing a “self-directed” project. 
Porter G

Language Arts
In language arts, we have been working on the culture project this week and there have been some great pieces of art. Last nights culture night was a huge success and we thank all those people who showed their support. 

Reading/Social Studies
We have been meeting in our book clubs as all of us are reading books focused on colonial times. We are leading into the revolutionary war. We finished our books and now are creating theme pitches and are starting to write essays analyzing our books. 
Roles are assigned and students need to memorize their lines! A great way to help is to read lines with us throughout the evening and weekend.

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