Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Weekly Update 5/29/19

Hello 275 and 274 families, Welcome to the new week, June is just around the corner and so is camp. Testing is over and it's time to relax . . . Right? Wrong. We have 4 days to get 4 lessons of math crammed, social studies hasn't been worked on in a while, we have a science and math test before camp, and our persuasive essays are almost due. We can't be tired. We also need to pack and some kids still haven't turned in their permission form. Juliet is just coming back to tell me what's happening right now: 9 kids were out sick today, so keep your kids healthy. In Music, kids are getting better, Eagle Staff is having Auditions for band only.

Recently in writing, we have been doing persuasive essays! 😮 We are learning how to make people want to continue reading your essay by making a hook, something that intrigues the reader and makes them want to continue reading.  We are learning how to bring people over to our side of the argument using good evidence and reasoning that supports our claim.  We are learning how to prove a point on the other side of the argument is wrong, and to make a rebuttal.   We are learning to make people remember our essay and try to make a difference by making a good conclusion and providing ways to help the cause. 

In math we have been learning about probabilities. We have learned how to make probabilities trees, tables, and charts. Our unit test is going to be on Monday, June 4th.    

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Weekly Update 5/22/19

Hi 275 and 274 families, this week has been testing week, many people are not feeling well. The cold is going around. Our heads hurt and we get to watch John Adams and do science in the afternoon. Camp is coming up and we can't wait, everyone, get packing! Talent show's tonight and be ready to watch amazing talents. Do you like Art? If you do and want to see your child's artwork, come tonight, it'll start at the same time as the talent show 5:00!

This week in science we talked about decomposers and soil. we also read the book A Walk In The Woods by, Kevin Beals and Gina Cervetti. And that was pretty much because like Alden said this we are testing.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Weekly Update 5/15/19

 Hi, Our Performances were so great!!! The Officers were so stealth, The Captain was Awesome, Valentine was a good strict, Duke Orsino was loud, Viola was Expressive, Olivia was Emotional, Malvolio was stout, Maria was devious, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew were stupidly smart, the clown was wise, Fabian was the helping prankster, Sebastian was loving, and Antonio was violent. Thank you so much heather for the wonderful gift you gave all of us.

 In PE we have finished up our food unit and started fitness testing and next time we will do archery.

 Now that Shakespeare is over, we will continue Persuasive writing where we convince people to our side using books, websites, and surveys that we create.  This is all due this Friday and we will be able to read them next week after testing in the morning. Goodbye!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Weekly Update 5/8/19

Dear Parents, I have to do this quick cuz we get to see are cute buddies in Mr. Hamby's class, so we all can't wait for our Shakespeare performances! Camp is being talked about and we all can't wait, everyone today that biked to school got Doughnuts!!! And Teachers are being appreciated all this week, Go Teachers!!!!! THE END!

We also have SBA testing coming up in the next two weeks starting May 20th. Here is a link to a practice test if you want to use it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Weekly Update 5/1/19

Dear 275 and 274 families. Even though the big thing right now is Shakespeare, Younis is writing about that, so I'll right about something else. I played and watched the beginning and advanced concert bands. They sounded great! I can't wait til later to day when I get to watch the strings. In writing, we just started persuasive writing and everyone is narrowing their 10 topics down to one. In PE, we are doing the Ultimate unit and Ms. Hanford and Ms. Sayles are getting annoyed with talking with friends and playing with corcp. In Library we are learning about digital citicnship and voting on the sasquatch award. Thank you Juilet, for your help. That's all that I can think of saying, bye!

We have been making a lot of progress in Shakespeare. We just started using the big stage. Mr. Browns class is performing on Thursday, May 9 and Mr. Hills class is performing on Tuesday, May 14. Everyone should have brought their costume bag by now.

Last week we had our unit 5 test, finishing up on inequalities and equations. This following week we have started our new unit of statistics. We have learned about populations and samples. We have also gone over how to get mean, median, and mode. We can’t wait to learn more about statistics!!! by Abby