Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Weekly Update 5/29/19

Hello 275 and 274 families, Welcome to the new week, June is just around the corner and so is camp. Testing is over and it's time to relax . . . Right? Wrong. We have 4 days to get 4 lessons of math crammed, social studies hasn't been worked on in a while, we have a science and math test before camp, and our persuasive essays are almost due. We can't be tired. We also need to pack and some kids still haven't turned in their permission form. Juliet is just coming back to tell me what's happening right now: 9 kids were out sick today, so keep your kids healthy. In Music, kids are getting better, Eagle Staff is having Auditions for band only.

Recently in writing, we have been doing persuasive essays! 😮 We are learning how to make people want to continue reading your essay by making a hook, something that intrigues the reader and makes them want to continue reading.  We are learning how to bring people over to our side of the argument using good evidence and reasoning that supports our claim.  We are learning how to prove a point on the other side of the argument is wrong, and to make a rebuttal.   We are learning to make people remember our essay and try to make a difference by making a good conclusion and providing ways to help the cause. 

In math we have been learning about probabilities. We have learned how to make probabilities trees, tables, and charts. Our unit test is going to be on Monday, June 4th.    

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