Thursday, September 26, 2019

Weekly Update 9/25/19

       This week in Mr. Hill's homeroom we talked about our jobs. I obviously got the job of blogger. We also had to vote on our class president and secretary, which was pretty cool, but also boring because everybody nominated everybody else. We had our heads down for about 3 minutes. The jobs were weird. There was one called interior decorator, which was just arranging desks and other things. And, the secretary takes actual calls, from a phone. 

Math: In math we have been working on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. 

Shakespeare: Currently in Shakespeare we are waiting to learn what part we will get. We had auditions yesterday and everyone got to preform so Ms. Laura can decide which part we will get. We will learn what part we get on the 25th of September 2019 the auditions took up all our lunch recess. 

LA in Mr. Brown’s class  
In LA (Language Arts), we have been learning about poetry and what it means. Many poets write poetry to express themselves and their feelings to the world. However, some poets write to inform or to make people laugh. We have asked a family member to tell us their favorite poem and why, and then share it with the class. We have also been tasked with writing an ode, because that is the kind of poem that we are currently studying. Of course, we have also been given time to write our own poems and will publish our favorite owns. In the beginning of every class, we are given time to fill out our planners and get organized. We always have a mini-lesson after that, in which we come to the carpet and discuss our day’s topic. After that we have some work time. If we finish early, we can free write, free draw or read.  

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