Wednesday, December 11, 2019

12/11/19 weekly update

       This week in Mr. Hill and Mr. Browns class, we had our Shakespeare performances. In math we learned how to use the percent equation. In science we worked on the ISS webquest. We also did a lot of NaNoWriMo writing.
         ISS webquest: due Friday 
1000-3000 word section: due 
Pages 153 and 154 in math: due Friday

Shakespeare article 
Last week we had Shakespeare after months of practicing we finally had our show lets see what some of the actors have to say about the experience. 
Klio says “It was very stressful, and I learned that the class talks a lot it was interesting when you switched the actors” 

Amelie or Olivia in the play says “I felt like it was very fun and it helped me make friends and I love acting I think our class did our best and made it really funny” 
Maddy or Malvolio in the show says “the experience was very exiting and very fun it was also sometimes scary when you had to recite your lines in front of all the people” 
Vivian or Clown in the play says “I liked it a lot because it was a chance to get to know people and it was very fun and you got to learn about Shakespeare while having fun” 

Science blog, 12-11-19 
By: Sylvie 
Recently in science we have started a new unit, patterns of earth and sky. So far, we have looked at a few ancient artifacts. Then we shared what we saw. After this, we got our assignment. A museum had an artifact that they wanted to put on display, but It had a missing piece. They want us to find that missing piece. It is a circular object cut into four pieces. There is a square in the middle. Some observations that we have so far are that inside the square is day and outside night. This Is because we think the inside has suns, the outside constellations for the seasons. The seasons because there are houses and plants. The plants look like the seasons. One has buds(spring) one no leaves(winter) on full bloom(summer) and one with some leaves falling(fall). We think the missing part shows a spring constellation because that is the part that is missing. That is what we have done so far in our new unit, patterns of earth and sky. 

Math Blog 
By: Hymn
Date: 12-10-2019 
This week in math we have been learning about percent's and how to find it. We also learned how to find the part and the whole, here are the equations. Multiply I'm tuning it to * ok? Part = percent * whole, percent = part/whole, and whole = part/percent 

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