Wednesday, February 26, 2020


February 24th to February 28th

On Monday we had circle, the questions were "What is your goal for the rest of the school year?" and "What did you do over break?". In art we made symmetrical black light flowers. We had Monday Workday we had to do Science Fair, Maya Angelo poem, and lesson 8 homework for math. 

On Tuesday in social studies we did an atlas worksheet. In math we learned how to analyzing  equivalent expressions adding and subtracting. We had FLASH and talked about consent and sexual abuse. In art we continued making symmetrical black light flowers. 

On Wednesday we voted on Mr Hills classes President, our presidents are Lelia and Sylvie and our Secretary is Hymn. In social studies we voted for Mr Hill and Mr Browns joint class government heads and completed our atlas worksheets. The trumpets preformed.

This Friday there will be a movie night in the gym from 5:30pm to 8:00pm.

Language Arts:
Currently in language arts we are working on something called the reading challenge. The challenge will go until the end of the school year and during this challenge each student will be required to read 8 books. Each book has a due date and there is a due date every 3 weeks starting in January. The dates are 1/17, 2/7, 2/23, 3/13, 4/3, 4/24, 5/15, 6/8. There are 24 different book topics that students can chose from including fantasy, horror and history.  

In Social Studies we have been learning about geography, by studying an atlas. We worked with our table partners on a worksheet/scavenger hunt in which we used the atlas to help us. We have also been learning about Black Lives Matter. We watched a video about The Terrible Transformation. The Terrible Transformation is how slavery came to America. We also studied The Birmingham Children’s Crusade of 1963, learning about how kids stood up for their rights and changed history forever.  

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