Thursday, August 31, 2017

Welcome to the Brown Hill Classroom Blog!

Welcome to the 2017-18 school year! This is the blog for the teaching team of Josh Hill and Nathan Brown. 5th grade students at Cascadia Elementary.
Josh is teaching Math and Science and Nathan teaches English/Language Arts and Social Studies. We will both integrate RULER (social/emotional curriculum) into our class. Additionally, students will study art and P.E. with our awesome specialists! Our room numbers are 274 (Brown) and 275 (Hill). We are on the second floor in the Northeast corner of the building.

We are excited to be working with your child and I look forward to a wonderful year. Below is a link to the state websites that shows Washington State Standards. It has a lot of information and is searchable. Math at Cascadia is two years ahead with students learn the 7th grade Common Core Standards. The curriculum for math is the Glenco, Course 2. For ELA, Seattle has adopted a brand new curriculum called Center for the Collaborative Classroom (CCC). Lastly, students will journey through American History, starting with pre-colonial America, and ending with a unit on American government.

Dates to remember:
Meet the Teacher is Thursday, August 31st from 4:00 to 6:00 PM
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Tuesday, September 5th at 10:30
Curriculum Night, TBD

Meet the Teacher:
The Meet the Teacher event tomorrow will include a chance to tour the school and peek into the windows of each classroom. The teachers will be out on the playground and they will be sorted by grade level. Feel free to walk into the building, visit the classroom, and you may leave supplies in the common area if have purchased them already. Please make sure to label any supplies with your student's name. We also have a few boxes of books that are in the shared space outside our rooms.

First Day:
We encourage students to take the bus to school or ride their bike. The drop off area will be congested. Students can get to the back playground on their own and many adults will be there to help them find the way. They should look for the 5th grade area and we will pick them up promptly at 7:50am.

School Supplies:
Classroom Supply Lists: Kleanex, hand sanitizer, 2 boxes Ticonderoga pencils, erasers, sharpies, flair pens, highlighters, box of fine tip or thick tip dry erase markers, paper towels, Post-it notes, scissors, colored markers, colored pencils, box of black or blue ballpoint pens, glue sticks, clear tape. These supplies will be shared by the class, so there is no need to label them.

Individual Supply Lists: 1.5" binders or zipper binder, 5 tab dividers, 5 composition books (hardback), pencil pouch, lined paper, pencil sharpener, ruler. These supplies will be managed by each student and we hope that this will prepare them for middle school responsibilities.

Every day your student needs:

  • Water bottle
  • Their binder with pens and pencils (homework inside)
  • 2 books to read
  • Healthy snack
We are going to need chaperones and volunteers for events this year. Please get your paperwork in by the end of September. If you would like to be one of the overnight chaperones for camp, that paperwork is a little different and needs to be turned in as soon as possible. Volunteer Paperwork is available on the district website.  Also, if you have a job or hobby that would be relevant to our in-class studies, then we’d love to have you.

Room Parents:
Room Parents are vital to helping me coordinate volunteer needs for the classroom and with planning and support of parties and other classroom events. If this is something you're interested in, please go to the Cascadia PTA website and sign up.

Josh’s background is in business and design so he hopes to bring real world situations to every class period. He feels this helps students to make connections to their future. He has a master’s in teaching from Willamette University in Oregon and is licensed to teach, elementary education and both math and science at the middle school level. He spends much of his off time with his family but does enjoy traveling and seeing the world. He is Dive Certified and enjoys exploring the world’s water.

Nathan's background is in Interdisciplinary Learning and Spanish Language and Culture. He completed his masters in teaching at Seattle University, and worked in Highline School District before starting at Cascadia last year. Outside of school, Nathan loves reading, creating collaborative art projects, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and spending as much time as possible with friends and family.


Check back here regularly for information from both teachers and student bloggers. Not only do we post weekly, we also have sections with resources and activities that you can use to support learning. Thank you for this opportunity to work with your child and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our goal is to create an open conversation about your student’s education, so please feel free to contact us with any questions related to school. Our contact information is listed below; we prefer email and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Joshua Hill
Nathan Brown
State Standards:

Curriculum Websites:
CCC Language Arts

Mr. Hill would like to get some input from parents about middle school math placement. If you have some comments or suggestions, he would like to hear from you in an email or during curriculum night. He hopes to set up a

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