Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Weekly Update #2

   Every single day this week was very fun, and right now I will talk about Wednesday. We learned dividing integers and did some review with integers. In science we were talking about air pressure and did some experiments. After lunch, we went to Mr. Brown's class and did IDW and read a story and did IDR. It was a lot of fun!
   Tuesday was great too, and again we did review in Math. Did I mention that we have art this week? In science we did more experiments and watched a very interesting video, and went to lunch. In Mr. Brown's class we read two more stories and did 15 more minutes of writing and 20 more minutes of non-fiction reading. When we went home we were very exited for tomorrow from all the excitement fun at school.
  Wednesday's are always fun because we have the assembly to end the school day and make us have a fun long afternoon at home. We worked on our jobs and had lots of fun. In math we worked on our games for other classmates and the second graders. For Mr. Brown's class we listed to music and wrote stories. Some of the stories were super funny.

   Here is a story that one of the students started.

   I could here the thump of the intruders footsteps in my house. I was hiding in my secret hiding place behind my dresser. Life doesn't feel real anymore. I'm home alone and there is a intruder in my house not taking any thing, just walking.
   I start wondering wen this is going to end when I notice my phone is on my bed just within my reach. I dare to reach for it and I here my door open. I pull my hand back and he doesn't see me. He comes in and I can hear him whistling.
   My breathing mixed with my heartbeat sounds like a earthquake. He is walking around my room. It does not seem like he has a earpiece in, so it doesn't seem like he is working with anyone. I sniff and he tuns his head towards where I am hiding and smiles.

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