Wednesday, October 4, 2017

weekly blog #3


      Last Thursday we had lots of fun. We had PE and played very fun games. After that we had our test on integers. In science we watched a video about space and planets and then went to lunch and recess. In Mr. Brown's class we did IDR and IDW but it was a pretty chill day.We had test and did independent reading and writing.

    Last Friday we  had PE again and did more fun recess games. In Math we were making our switch between integers and rational numbers. In science we started working on force again and focusing on air force and magnetic force. After lunch we went to Mr. Brown's room and did more reading and writing and started reading our social studies book. For reading we worked on looking for text features in the non-fiction book we are reading. In social studies we read about the Indians in their early days. And for writing we worked on our Friday letter.writing.

     On Monday we started our fitness testing with sit-ups. Then went  upstairs to do Math. The clubs started on Monday so some people were excited about that. In math we worked on rational numbers and in science we continued force. Recess and lunch was fun like always, then after we went up to Mr. Brown's and read our social studies book and did reading and writing. Some people had instrumental so the classroom was pretty empty all day. In social studies we kept reading about Indians and how they migrated. For writing we kept doing our writing in our note books but then Mr. Brown introduced Inktober were we make one ink drawing per day, so a lot of people did that during writing.

    In PE on Tuesday we did pushups and we had mixed emotions about that. We did a lot rational numbers in Math. We did not do a lot of science but we did a little about forces. The reason we only did ten minutes of science is because we had library. We looked at articles about Indians and checked out books. In Mr. Brown's class we read our social studies book again and while we read read we compartmentalized out text. In writing we just did IDR and in reading we just did IDW. The reason we did not do much is because we played a very fun game that has a lot of different names. But everybody enjoyed it.

Mr. Brown's class 10/4/17
This week in Mr. Brown's class we have been continuing text features and reading about the first native Americans. We have also been doing Inktober, which is drawing a picture in only ink every day for the month of October. We usually do this during IDW.

In math we have been using positive and negative integers for the four basic operators when multiplying count the negative numbers if odd result is negative even result is positive

integers practice
lesson 2
lesson 3


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