Wednesday, October 4, 2017

10/4/17 Update Part 2

The past few weeks in science, we have been working on magnets and force. The students have been doing several tests with their table partners, trying to make things float and stay up in the air. We have also been working on the levitating train and Maglev (Magnet Levitation). After having seen a video showing a levitating train, the class' task was to find out what made the train levitate. As a class, we have come up with the theory that the force levitating the train is most likely magnetism. We have been drawing diagrams, taking notes, asking questions, and doing tests for how reasonable our answers are, and if the train is truly being levitated by magnets. If so, how?

This week in math we have started a new unit on rational numbers and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them. We have also been working on converting fractions to decimals and back again. The majority of the work has been review. We are also continuing our work on our integer projects, which will be due later this week. The games should be tested by two students or family members by the time it is due, (Thursday, October 5th), and all parts should be finished and put together.

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