Wednesday, October 18, 2017

10/18/17 Update #1


    In math we did adding positive and negative fractions. In science we planned our egg drop. For P.E. we continued our football session outside on the field. After lunch we went Mr. Brown's room and did our social studies project on Native Americans. In writing we wrote a couple more poems and some people continued doing Inktober.

  There was no school on Friday so everyone was well rested. During art we were playing around with math tools to make abstract art. In math we did subtracting and adding mixed numbers. We switched Mr. Brown's class at 10:00. We thought of animal to write about and then chose one and wrote a poem about that animal. After lunch we had work time were we worked on our egg drop contraption, our social poster, and our alien recipe.

   In art we started our final draft in abstract art. We are still using math tools and we are outlining it in sharpie. In Math we continued subtracting and adding mixed numbers. In science we worked on our egg drop contraption again. In Mr. Brown's class we chose a poem to go through the revision process. We practiced with a couple other poems. We started sharing our social studies poster.

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