Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10/25/17 Update #2


     On Thursday we had art, and we worked on our final draft for our abstract project. In math, we worked on multiplying fractions and mixed numbers. In science we did the egg drop challenge where everyone drops their egg and see if it breaks. After that we went to lunch and recess. Then we went to Mr. Brown's class and we continued sharing our social studies posters. We started finishing up our poems for the share.

    On Friday we finished our abstract paintings in art and they all looked very good. We went to math and in math we continued rational numbers such as adding, subtracting, and multiplying mixed numbers. In science we on our egg drop stuff. We had a sheet with a couple questions about the egg drop. Such as, "What forces were acting on your egg when it was falling?" and "Did your egg crack? Why or Why not?" After that we went to lunch and recess. After we got back from lunch and recess we went to Mr. Brown's class and we revised our poems trying to make some changes to make it better. Then we started our final drafts of our poem. In social studies we took our student generated test on our native Americans tribe.


     We started looking at a short story called January tale. This story is very confusing and we worked as a class to help each other understand the story. There are lots of words and phrases that people don't understand. We are using this story to practice using the context to figure out a word's meaning. And we are using it to help our skills of figuring out a word by asking others.
     We had a big class discussion about how our table partners helped us understand words we didn't know. That discussion led to people putting a word out there and someone who knows what it means tells that person and the whole class. Sometimes one person would know a little than another person would know something different and all those little pieces of knowledge helped us form the whole meaning og the word. That led us to start a word wall where if you find a word in a book that is "juicy" as Mr. Brown says, we can write it on a little piece of paper and tape it to the wall.

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