Friday, March 30, 2018



For many years, the iLab has been an institution at Cascadia. The iLab goes by many names, creative makers space being one of them. It is a place where students have access to tools and materials with which to create to the furthest expanses of their imaginations. The space is conducive to creativity, collaboration, problem solving, building responsibility, and refining fine motor control. Additionally, the space facilitates developing strengths in art and engineering.

To jump start the iLab, we are asking families to help provide the materials to make this space full and rich. As a space dedicated to problem solving, we would emphasize our dedication to recycling and reuse; as much as possible, we’d like to stock up on what would otherwise go unused. Please make sure everything is kid appropriate.
Please consider donating tools and materials this coming week, April 2nd through the 6th. You may drop off donations to the appropriately marked container outside of the iLab, 2nd floor, Cascadia. Please take tool donations to room 274. Below is a list of the types of materials that we are looking for, but it is not exhaustive by any means.
iLab Wish List
  1. Rubber Gloves (kid)
  2. Disposable gloves
  3. Protective eye wear
  4. Aprons

  1. Broom/dust pan
  2. Rags
  3. Empty spray bottles (for water)
  4. Painters cloth/tarps/floor covering

Serious Tools
  1. Hammers
    1. nails
  2. Screwdrivers of all sizes and shapes
  3. Exacto knives
  4. Hand drill
  5. Battery powered drill
  6. saw

  1. Scissors (adult)
  2. Scissors (kid)
  3. Glue guns
    1. Lots of glue gun glue
  4. Tape measure
  5. Yard sticks
  6. Paint brushes

  1. Glue guns and glue sticks for them
  2. Glue of all sorts
  3. Tape of all sorts

  1. Trifold Boards
  2. Foam Core
  3. Tag Boards
  4. Poster boards (various colors) 
  1. Cardboard
  2. Cotton balls/pompoms
  3. Tissue paper
  4. Fabrics of all varieties, shapes, and sizes
  5. String/yarn
  6. beads
  7. Styrofoam
  8. Wood scraps
  9. decorating materials (sequins, crafty things)
  10. popsicle sticks
  11. Newspaper
  12. Magazines (collaging materials)
  13. Yarn/string
  14. Pipe cleaners
  15. PVC pipes
  16. Egg cartons/liter bottles
  17. Yogurt/stackable containers (for water for brushes)
  18. Feathers

Art Stuff:
  1. Sharpies, various colors
  2. Molding clay
  3. Acrylic paint
  4. Watercolor paint
  5. Fabric markers
Parts to dissesemble
  1. Old computer parts
  2. Other old electronics

Thank you so much for considering supporting the iLab!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Talent Show/Art Exhibit Night

The annual Cascadia Art & Talent Show will be Wednesday, May 9 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. This year's theme is "Night Under the Stars!" The event will open at 5:30pm for busking and the displaying of art in the Cascadia Commons, and the talent portion of the show will begin at 6:00pm sharp in the gym.

*Please click on this link to sign up for auditions 

Auditions for the talent portion of the show will be held in Cascadia's music room (room 231) on Wednesday 4/18 from 1:30pm to 3:00pm and on Thursday, 4/19 from 2:45pm to 4:15pm. Possible acts could include: singing, dancing, playing an instrument, stand up comedy, gymnastics, or magic.

Acts must not be over 4 minutes in length to help fit in as many performers as possible. Children must be accompanied by an adult, and acts must be prepared with instruments, props, etc. Any audio/video files necessary for an act must be submitted on a flash drive, IN ADDITION to playback ability on a personal device (phone, iPod, etc.) to plug in and play during the audition. Flash drives will be returned the following school week after we compile a master playlist of all acts' audio/video files.

Constructive feedback will be provided to ensure preparedness and time requirements. If an act requires multiple/large instruments or a full band, auditions via video (flash drive, DVD, or Youtube link) will be accepted until Thursday 4/19 at 4:15pm.

Dress Rehearsal for the talent portion of the show will be Monday, 5/7 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the gym. All acts participating in the show MUST attend Dress Rehearsal fully prepared with all instruments, props, members of an act, and an accompanying adult. Any audio/video files must have been submitted at auditions either on 4/18 or 4/19.

Busking at 5:30pm will be open to 5th graders only, and any interested 5th graders should speak with Ms. Watts-Driscoll at school. Artwork displayed at the show will be art created at school and will be set up by Ms. Watts-Driscoll.

"Night Under the Stars" will be an indoor event due to seating and space limitations, but in keeping with our theme we strongly encourage all families to bring blankets and pillows to "picnic" under the stars in our gym!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Watts-Driscoll at Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you "Under the Stars" on May 9!

A message from PE

Hello Cascadia Families!

The April PE Rocks Newsletter, PE schedule calendar and the PE monthly activity challenge are now up on Schoology. Soon we will be posting pictures and videos we have been taking in PE class for your viewing pleasure as well (it is all secure and follows all FERPA rules).

Many of you have already signed up to use Schoology as parents. Thank you! If you still need to sign up, please see the directions that follow.

To sign up for parent view of Schoology:

  1. First parents must create a Source account if they haven’t done so already. Directions are on this site.
  2. Then parents create a Schoology account. Directions are here.
After you successfully sign up, please go to your students PE page from Cascadia to find the current month’s newsletter, as well as all archived newsletters from this school year. We will also be adding resources and/or pictures whenever possible.
If you are having trouble logging into Schoology, or navigating it at all, please email Karen Meyer directly: , as she is our Schoology contact.

Thank you for your help in signing up and logging in to stay up to date with your child’s PE program!

Your PE teachers,
Mrs. Briones and Ms. Sayles

Cascadia Science and Engineering Night

The Cascadia Science and Engineering Night is April 25th and if students want to enter their science fair project they need to register by April 6th.

Here is the link to the PTA website with more information and signup. Because 5th graders are already doing a science fair project we highly encourage you to enter it in the this wonder PTA event.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

PMR Information

Please make sure your child has a lunch, water and a pack to carry it in for the trip. Students might also want good deck shoes that appropriate for being on the boat. Sneakers or tennis shoes should work. Remind them not to bring any extra stuff. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Here is a map for the field trip. I will be there at 8:15 am and we need to be collected before 8:40 in order to make sure everyone is on the boat on time. Please respond to this email with contact information for anyone who is dropping of your child. 

Here is a link to parking if you are going to walk your child down to the pier. Please remember they are doing construction on the sea wall and allow for ample time to avoid delays. Here is a link to a handout with preparation instructions.

Please remember to pick up your child promptly at 2:30.

Let me know if you have any further questions and thank you all for your support.
Josh Hill

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cascadia Science and Engineering Night

Save the date for the 2017-2018 Science and Engineering Night! This year’s event is a Wednesday evening on April 25 in the Cascadia Commons and Gym. Students from all grade levels are encouraged to participate with a poster or exhibit. Both individual and group projects are welcome. Also, local science, engineering, and technology professionals will be in attendance to provide lively demonstrations. It should be a fun and stimulating evening!

Click here for more information!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Weekly Questions

welcome back to your weakly gauntlet of philosophical questions 

imagine this you are surgeon and you have five patients who all nead an orgon transplant and there is another healthy person who has all the orgons neaded for the transplant and he or she is willing to do the transplant but if you do the transpllant the healthy man will die but if you don't the patients who nead the orgons will die... what will you do?

Flash has ended  
The science unit flash has ended 
And most students are extremely  
Happy that it did 
Here is a piece of work from Arjun 
Solve one these problems 
And get a chance to put a piece of work in the blog 
What is the missing 
What is the missing word 
A: blue 
B: green 
C: yellow 
D: green 
E: blue                     Leave answers in comments 
Find which of the facts is true 
Leave answer in the turn in 
 bin with on a postit note 
 marked with the words factopia 
 and you can get a chance to 
 make the next Factopia quiz 
1: humans only use 10% of their brain 
2: the crow is the fastest jet plain ever 
3: bacteria are sentient   
4: the x-15 I the fastest passenger plain 

weakly update march seventh

     In science we started a new unit on water. this chapter in science is centered around two cities on a small island and there water problems. in math we have bean downing a lot of case studies and Inquiry labs. this chapter in math centers around scale drawings.

Clarifying Dates

Pacific Marine Research:

Hello all, we had a schedule change for our Pacific Marine Research (PMR) field trip. Both Mr. Brown’s class and Mr. Hill’s class will be going Friday, April 6th. We need more chaperones for this trip, as well.



Mr. Brown’s Homeroom will perform on Tuesday, May 1st, at 12:45pm and 7pm.

Mr. Hill’s Homeroom will perform on Thursday, May 3rd, at 12:45pm and 7pm.