Thursday, March 29, 2018

Talent Show/Art Exhibit Night

The annual Cascadia Art & Talent Show will be Wednesday, May 9 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. This year's theme is "Night Under the Stars!" The event will open at 5:30pm for busking and the displaying of art in the Cascadia Commons, and the talent portion of the show will begin at 6:00pm sharp in the gym.

*Please click on this link to sign up for auditions 

Auditions for the talent portion of the show will be held in Cascadia's music room (room 231) on Wednesday 4/18 from 1:30pm to 3:00pm and on Thursday, 4/19 from 2:45pm to 4:15pm. Possible acts could include: singing, dancing, playing an instrument, stand up comedy, gymnastics, or magic.

Acts must not be over 4 minutes in length to help fit in as many performers as possible. Children must be accompanied by an adult, and acts must be prepared with instruments, props, etc. Any audio/video files necessary for an act must be submitted on a flash drive, IN ADDITION to playback ability on a personal device (phone, iPod, etc.) to plug in and play during the audition. Flash drives will be returned the following school week after we compile a master playlist of all acts' audio/video files.

Constructive feedback will be provided to ensure preparedness and time requirements. If an act requires multiple/large instruments or a full band, auditions via video (flash drive, DVD, or Youtube link) will be accepted until Thursday 4/19 at 4:15pm.

Dress Rehearsal for the talent portion of the show will be Monday, 5/7 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the gym. All acts participating in the show MUST attend Dress Rehearsal fully prepared with all instruments, props, members of an act, and an accompanying adult. Any audio/video files must have been submitted at auditions either on 4/18 or 4/19.

Busking at 5:30pm will be open to 5th graders only, and any interested 5th graders should speak with Ms. Watts-Driscoll at school. Artwork displayed at the show will be art created at school and will be set up by Ms. Watts-Driscoll.

"Night Under the Stars" will be an indoor event due to seating and space limitations, but in keeping with our theme we strongly encourage all families to bring blankets and pillows to "picnic" under the stars in our gym!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Watts-Driscoll at Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you "Under the Stars" on May 9!

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