Thursday, March 29, 2018

A message from PE

Hello Cascadia Families!

The April PE Rocks Newsletter, PE schedule calendar and the PE monthly activity challenge are now up on Schoology. Soon we will be posting pictures and videos we have been taking in PE class for your viewing pleasure as well (it is all secure and follows all FERPA rules).

Many of you have already signed up to use Schoology as parents. Thank you! If you still need to sign up, please see the directions that follow.

To sign up for parent view of Schoology:

  1. First parents must create a Source account if they haven’t done so already. Directions are on this site.
  2. Then parents create a Schoology account. Directions are here.
After you successfully sign up, please go to your students PE page from Cascadia to find the current month’s newsletter, as well as all archived newsletters from this school year. We will also be adding resources and/or pictures whenever possible.
If you are having trouble logging into Schoology, or navigating it at all, please email Karen Meyer directly: , as she is our Schoology contact.

Thank you for your help in signing up and logging in to stay up to date with your child’s PE program!

Your PE teachers,
Mrs. Briones and Ms. Sayles

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