Friday, September 25, 2020

Math and Science Update 9/25/20

 In math this week we have been using the workbook more and have been learning about integers and absolute value example x + -x = 0. we have been working on 1-2 and which include rational numbers and converting fractions into decimals. If you want to know you take 2/3 for example you divide the numerator by the denominator and come up with 0.66666666 I skipped out a bit but that’s the fundamental idea. In math we also used Cornell notes to take notes from our math workbooks. In case you are new to Mr. Hill’s blog, Cornell notes are a proven way to take better notes and Mr. Hill says we will be using them for the year, and it is the same with Mr. Brown. 


In science this week we were looking at the stars and learnt about how far away they are. We used a simulation on amplify science where we could look at constellations and stars. We also learnt how big some other stars are. Beetlejuice is 1000 times the size of our sun! WOW! We started looking at constellations in the sim and saw Pegasus. Mr. Hill told us to research how far away the four stars on the body of Pegasus are. Alferez 97 light years, Beta Pegasi 196 light years, Algenib 392 light years, and Markab 133 light years. Science this week has been very interesting. 


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Crash Landing by Annie

Angie held my hand tight and her teddy bear even tighter. I squeezed her hand to make her feel safe, but really, I was scared too. Dad was getting in a rocket and going to the moon. The thing is there was no guarantee it would work. Maybe the rocket would launch sideways. Maybe it would crash. Maybe it would run out of fuel and dad would be stranded in space. Angie was my little sister, and mom had died after giving birth to Angie. If we lost him, we would be orphans!! I couldn’t let my dad die. 

T-3, T-2, T-1, BLAST OFF!! Dad went shooting into the air. It looked as though everything went fine. Me and Angie were cheering, when all of a suddenI saw the rocket’s engine floating in the sky. I went up to the nearest guy I could find.

“What are they going to do? They can’t just leave them stranded up there.

“Aye, I’m afraid they can’t save ‘em.”

“But that’s my dad up there!!”

“Oh. Well, son. I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do.”

“Are you sure?”

“Well, you could steal a rocket and go give him an engine, but you probably shouldn’t do tha--”

But he was too late. I grabbed Angie and ran into mission control. I looked around everywhere until I found a rocket. I pulled Angie in and launched us up in the air.

“T-3, T-2, T-1.” We were up in the air. I took a deep breath and sat in my seat. Angie hugged me.

“We’re going to save daddy!!” Angie yelled.

“Oh no,” I heard a voice say. “You’re not going anywhere...”


“We’re going to save daddy!!” Angie yelled. 

“Oh no,” I heard a voice say. “You’re not going anywhere.” 

I turned around and saw a big, buff police officer. 

“Who are you?” I yelled in horror. 

“Officer Ryker Thompson. And I’m afraid it is unlawful for anyone under the age of 18 to drive a rocket. You also just stole a spacecraft that we were going to use to save the spaceship up there. There are many more laws you broke but I don’t want to say them all. But in total, you broke--” 

“I don’t care how many laws we broke,” Angie said. I was shocked, she usually doesn’t talk that much. “but my daddy is up there and I’m going to save him.” 

“Oh. Well then, I guess you could come along to save your dad--” 

“Don’t you mean YOU can come along with US? My brother Darius is driving this thing.” 

“Actually Angie, he should drive.” 

“Oh. Okay.” 

I moved seats and sat in the second passenger seat. A few minutes later, we found my dad. He was in the spaceship with two other guys. They were banging on the windows screaming for help. Ryker—sorry, Officer Ryker—turned on the radio. 

“Hello. Help is on the way.” 

“Thank goodness you came. I was getting worried.” 

“Daddy? Is that you?” Angie said. 

“Angie sweetie? Why are you on a spaceship?” 

“It’s a long story,” I said. “But we came to save you.” 

“Thank you, but you could have gotten hurt.” 

“Sorry, I was just so worried.” 

“Well, can’t do anything about it now.” 

Dad and all the other passengers got out of their rocket and into ours. We went down to land. We were hurdling through the air about to land when we crashed into the ground. I felt my face hit the control panel and everything went black. 


Friday, September 18, 2020

Language Arts Update

 LA this week has been very comfortable. By that I mean i can ask questions without feeling stupid or behind, Mr. Brown welcomes mistakes and gives loads of support. Ive noticed that we have been doing a lot of “getting to know you” projects and games. they are all usually fun, and one of my favorites was a collage where we described ourselves with cut-out magazine pictures and stickers. We then presented them in class and explained what we choose and why we choose it. Another fun assignment was the book recommendations. Were both our classes shared different book recommendations on a chat link. Over all this first week has been VERY positive and I am exited for the upcoming year. 


Sloth Charter Words

Sway for Focused 

Sway for Calm

Sway for Calm Also

Sway for Focused

Sway for Calm

Math and Science Update!


This week in math we started learning about Cornell notes and how they are more effective than normal notes. We will be using Cornell notes this year. After Mr. Hill taught us how to use Cornell notes he showed us how to get on to Savvas Easybridge which we will use for our assignments. After he showed us all he assigned us to watch a video on Savvas called math practice one and we watched it after school and took Cornell notes. We watched the videos everyday apart from Monday. Also, we watched the video in class the day after.  We would sometimes play a game where he spun a wheel on a website and it landed on either addition, subtraction, multiplying, or division, and if it landed on addition then it would come up with an addition problem and we would have thirty seconds to solve it. 

In science this week we also learnt that we will be using Cornell notes this year. We also had a look at a broken artifact that was made a thousand years ago by people in northern India. We studied the artifact and came up with some hypothesis like that it could be the four seasons or a star map. At was very interesting. Our main objective was to think about and find out what the missing part of the artifact looks like. We are also learning about the scientific method and how we can use it in our curriculum. 


Thursday, September 17, 2020

In Homeroom This Week!

"The first week of fifth grade. WOW. During the first actual week of school, the teachers have been very supportive. Mr. Hill's class homeroom has been what I hoped for and more. He always asks if people understand and is very patient with confusion and technical difficulties. Many students, me included, were worried about online school being challenging. However, with the needed support the teachers are giving us school is possible and fun. We’ve been assigned an appropriate amount of work this week considering all that is going on, and I think this school year will be very educational and it will prepare us for the elementary school to middle school transition. 


Friday, September 11, 2020

Weekly Update

 Dear students and Brown and Hill Families,  

This will be a long email, but hopefully it will clarify our schedules starting next week. We have systems in place to communicate directly with students moving forward, so hopefully this means less communication through parents.  

First, thank you for a great first week. It has been a pleasure to meet everyone. We have both received a lot of positive feedback from parents, and we appreciate it. Some have also let us know their concerns or kept us up-to-date on students' stress levels, which we also appreciate. It is a lot and we thank you for your ideas and patience.  

Next week is the start of full-time remote learning. Josh and I have put a lot of thought into our schedule. It resembles Cascadia’s master schedule with a few tweaks. The first thing we have done is split each homeroom into two groups, so that we have a total of 4 classes, each with about 13 – 14 students. These are learning groups A, B, C, and D (the Alpacas, the Bison, the Camels, and the Dingoes). Your student will receive an invite to their respective learning group later today in their Outlook. Please see our attached schedules to get an idea of what this looks like.  

Have your student log into their outlook tonight and accept the invites to the various meetings. Outlook is one of the apps in office 365, under student resources on the Seattle Schools main page. 

For us, synchronous learning will be on Teams with the teacher. Asynchronous will be a number of things, including time reading instructions or getting a lesson from a video or other format, independent work time, group project time, and time for self-care. This time will also be for us to hold conferences with students as well as small(er) groups. Mr. Hill and I both will have a Teams meeting up and running during asynchronous time so that we are easily available to help students with whatever they are working on.  

Mr. Brown has made links for each class available on Schoology. They are in students’ “English LA” class, on a page called, “The Ultimate Page of Links.” 

Mr. Hill has made links for each class available on Schoology. It is labeled “Weekly Schedule with Links” They are in Math on the main page. 

Our Monday morning schedule is the same as it has been this week, with the same morning meeting links. We will help students get to where they need to be!  



-Mr. Brown 

-Mr. Hill 

Links to a couple of “how to” vids. 

More Tech Help


  • These websites will be linked to our Cascadia school homepage next week.






Thursday, September 10, 2020

Update Student VPN

 Hello staff, the following is going out to your students today (Families will also be notified separately):

Starting at 11am an improved connection has been added for your student laptop. This will be downloaded and installed automatically but if you want to install it sooner, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Click on the Windows Icon in bottom left corner of your screen
  2. Click on Software Center
  3. Under Applications, look for "SPS StudentVPN"
  4. If it is there, click on it and install (if not there, it is already installed)


Department of Technology Services

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Tips for screen-time learning success!

Many families are worried about screen-time for their children this year. Here are some helpful tips to avoid tired eyes and headaches!

Here is a link to a pdf with several tips to keep eyes health!

Hope this is helpful!

-Nurse Kari

Friday, September 4, 2020

District help for technology.

Laptop distribution is scheduled for us, next Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30 in the back parking lot at school. Look for more information in emails we will be sending out.

Here is a pdf with some helpful hints for getting into your district laptop for the first time.

From the district: :As part of the 4th to 5th grade promotion process, all 5th grade student passwords were reset to the default password of their birthday: MMDDYYYY

If the student’s birthday is March 18th, 2010 the password will be: 03182010"

Here are a few resources for help when it comes to district technology.

We will also be working with student this first week to troubleshoot technology issues so feel free to message us if you think they need some one on one time.


Welcome to the 2020/21 School Year!

 Welcome to the Hill & Brown Classrooms

My name is Josh Hill and I am teaming with Nathan Brown and we are super excited to be your Cascadia 5th grade teacher team. I teach Math and Science and Nathan teaches English/Language Arts and Social Studies. Additionally, we both teach Ruler, a social emotional curriculum. Our fantastic specialists will be teaching art, music, P.E., and library with your students as well! 


It is truly a different time for learning and teaching (and life!). We’ll be starting the year and teaching remotely indefinitely, but our goals for your students remain mostly the same. We hope to support your students’ social and emotional health during this trying time, encourage them towards being independent learners, and to adequately prepare them for middle-school. We expect a lot of hiccups along the way—but we’ll do our best to communicate and to keep class organized and straight forward.

First Day/Week

We are in the process of designing the structure of our daily and weekly classes, but here is the plan for the first 5 days of school, September 4th-11th. Your student will have class for 2 hours each morning from 8:30-10:30am. We will also assign assignments that can be completed independently. Some of that time will be spent with their homeroom teacher moving towards 50% time with each teacher as we move along. Below is a Team's link to Mr. Hill’s homeroom meeting starting at 8:30am, Friday, September 4th. We will only meet with our homeroom this Friday, but you can look forward to spending a lot of time with both Mr. Brown and Mr. Hill!

You can open this link in the Teams app or just follow the link in the browser. Details about the app below. The sooner students learn to login with their student login, the better and I will be available to monitor the chat in this Teams meeting to answer questions throughout the school day (until 3:30).

School Supplies: 

We are asking that students set up their Learning Space with the supplies that they will need this year. We hope that this area is one in which your student will be able to be comfortable learning during the school day.


Student needs to have

·        Binder/Organizer with organizational system (divider or folders)

·        Pencil pouch

·        Rulers

·        Pencils/pens

·        2 Composition books

·        Highlighters

·        General art supplies; colored pens/pencils, crayons, paints

If you need any of these please feel free to contact us. We do have extra supplies at school. The school is also working on a system for students to receive additional supplies such as math books and other consumables that are to be supplied by the district.


We suggest that you go to and explore under Students at the top all the resources your student may need this year. It includes links to Office 365 where students can create and save work using programs such as Word, PowerPoint, Excell, OneDrive and other powerful Microsoft tools. It also has links to Schoology which is the primary point for students to keep track and turn in assignments. Additionally, there are many other district resources that we will be using this year. If you are not familiar with these resources, we will be taking a great amount of time to teach students how to use all the resources they will need this year.


Teams Help:

·       Download Microsoft Teams

·       You may need to have your student login using their SPS username and password

·       Hold “ctrl” when clicking the “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” hyperlink

·       Follow the link below for more tech help: make sure to scroll down and look through the FAQ.


Room Parents: 

Room Parents are vital to helping us coordinate volunteer needs for the classroom and with planning and support of parties and other classroom events. If this is something you're interested in, please go to the Cascadia PTA website and sign up. 

About us: 

Josh’s background is in business and design and he hopes to bring real world situations to every class period. He feels this helps students to make connections to their future. He has a master’s in teaching from Willamette University in Oregon and is licensed to teach elementary education, as well as math and science at the middle school level. He spends much of his off time with his family but does enjoy traveling and seeing the world.


Nathan's background is in Interdisciplinary Learning and Spanish Language and Culture. He completed his master’s in teaching at Seattle University, and worked in Highline School District before starting at Cascadia. Outside of school, Nathan loves reading, creating collaborative art projects, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and spending as much time as possible with friends and family.  

Our goal is to create an open conversation about your student’s education, so please feel free to contact us with any questions related to school. Our contact information is listed below; we prefer email, and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. 


Joshua Hill  

Nathan Brown  

 Below is a link to the state websites that shows Washington State Standards. It has a lot of information and is searchable. Math at Cascadia is two years ahead with students learning the 7th grade Common Core Standards. The curriculum for math is the Envision 2.0, Course 2. Students will have their own login for the many digital resources. For ELA, Seattle has adopted a new curriculum called Center for the Collaborative Classroom (CCC), which Mr. Brown enriches with additional, project-based social studies curriculum. Social Studies and Science are on grade level.

State Standards: