Friday, September 25, 2020

Math and Science Update 9/25/20

 In math this week we have been using the workbook more and have been learning about integers and absolute value example x + -x = 0. we have been working on 1-2 and which include rational numbers and converting fractions into decimals. If you want to know you take 2/3 for example you divide the numerator by the denominator and come up with 0.66666666 I skipped out a bit but that’s the fundamental idea. In math we also used Cornell notes to take notes from our math workbooks. In case you are new to Mr. Hill’s blog, Cornell notes are a proven way to take better notes and Mr. Hill says we will be using them for the year, and it is the same with Mr. Brown. 


In science this week we were looking at the stars and learnt about how far away they are. We used a simulation on amplify science where we could look at constellations and stars. We also learnt how big some other stars are. Beetlejuice is 1000 times the size of our sun! WOW! We started looking at constellations in the sim and saw Pegasus. Mr. Hill told us to research how far away the four stars on the body of Pegasus are. Alferez 97 light years, Beta Pegasi 196 light years, Algenib 392 light years, and Markab 133 light years. Science this week has been very interesting. 


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