Thursday, September 24, 2020

Crash Landing by Annie

Angie held my hand tight and her teddy bear even tighter. I squeezed her hand to make her feel safe, but really, I was scared too. Dad was getting in a rocket and going to the moon. The thing is there was no guarantee it would work. Maybe the rocket would launch sideways. Maybe it would crash. Maybe it would run out of fuel and dad would be stranded in space. Angie was my little sister, and mom had died after giving birth to Angie. If we lost him, we would be orphans!! I couldn’t let my dad die. 

T-3, T-2, T-1, BLAST OFF!! Dad went shooting into the air. It looked as though everything went fine. Me and Angie were cheering, when all of a suddenI saw the rocket’s engine floating in the sky. I went up to the nearest guy I could find.

“What are they going to do? They can’t just leave them stranded up there.

“Aye, I’m afraid they can’t save ‘em.”

“But that’s my dad up there!!”

“Oh. Well, son. I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do.”

“Are you sure?”

“Well, you could steal a rocket and go give him an engine, but you probably shouldn’t do tha--”

But he was too late. I grabbed Angie and ran into mission control. I looked around everywhere until I found a rocket. I pulled Angie in and launched us up in the air.

“T-3, T-2, T-1.” We were up in the air. I took a deep breath and sat in my seat. Angie hugged me.

“We’re going to save daddy!!” Angie yelled.

“Oh no,” I heard a voice say. “You’re not going anywhere...”


“We’re going to save daddy!!” Angie yelled. 

“Oh no,” I heard a voice say. “You’re not going anywhere.” 

I turned around and saw a big, buff police officer. 

“Who are you?” I yelled in horror. 

“Officer Ryker Thompson. And I’m afraid it is unlawful for anyone under the age of 18 to drive a rocket. You also just stole a spacecraft that we were going to use to save the spaceship up there. There are many more laws you broke but I don’t want to say them all. But in total, you broke--” 

“I don’t care how many laws we broke,” Angie said. I was shocked, she usually doesn’t talk that much. “but my daddy is up there and I’m going to save him.” 

“Oh. Well then, I guess you could come along to save your dad--” 

“Don’t you mean YOU can come along with US? My brother Darius is driving this thing.” 

“Actually Angie, he should drive.” 

“Oh. Okay.” 

I moved seats and sat in the second passenger seat. A few minutes later, we found my dad. He was in the spaceship with two other guys. They were banging on the windows screaming for help. Ryker—sorry, Officer Ryker—turned on the radio. 

“Hello. Help is on the way.” 

“Thank goodness you came. I was getting worried.” 

“Daddy? Is that you?” Angie said. 

“Angie sweetie? Why are you on a spaceship?” 

“It’s a long story,” I said. “But we came to save you.” 

“Thank you, but you could have gotten hurt.” 

“Sorry, I was just so worried.” 

“Well, can’t do anything about it now.” 

Dad and all the other passengers got out of their rocket and into ours. We went down to land. We were hurdling through the air about to land when we crashed into the ground. I felt my face hit the control panel and everything went black. 


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