Friday, September 25, 2015

The Hunt

The Hunt
By Andrew Fukuda

Review by Yuena Kim
       The Hunt takes place in an apocalyptic future where a  war supposedly destroyed everywhere on earth except America.
       After the war, vampires rule the country. The vampire citizens believe that hepers (humans) are all extinct because as soon as the war ended, hepers were pounced on and eaten. This gives the hepers in hiding a quite a disadvantage
because any scent of sweat or inability to run very fast ends up in either suspicion or the heper getting eaten.
      The main character is Gene, and he is a heper. He is seventeen years old, and so far, no one has figured out that he is a heper. the other main character is Ashley June and (spoiler alert) she is also a heper. Ashley June figured out that Gene is a heper., though Gene doesn't know that, and doesn't know that Ashley June is also a heper.
      Because the citizens do not particularly like the Director(leader), the Director hosts a Hunt, where he revealed that he has kept hepers in capitivity. A few lucky citizens will be chosen to hunt them down. The hepers will be released in the wild with a twelve hour head start. Every vampire wants to be chosen because no one has tased a heper before.
      Unluckily, both Gene and Ashley June get chosen, with a couple of others. At the capitol, Gene makes friends with the hepers in captivity, and he tells them about the Hunt.
      At the end, everyone in the capitol finds out that Gene and Ashley June are hepers and Gene and Ashley June Escape and stop the Hunt.

I only gave The Hunt three stars because, all the events were predictable, there wasn't a big climax, and I personally don't like paranormal fiction.

Islandwood updates

Hopefully you have submitted all your IslandWood paperwork.  If not, please get it to us immediately!  The price for the trip is $310 per students.  If you feel comfortable, consider adding extra for our scholarship program.  We are committed to making sure every student can go on this trip regardless of need.  If you feel that you will need a scholarship, please contact your homeroom teacher immediately and we will make arrangements for a partial or full scholarship.

If you need a paper copy of the IslandWood paperwork, please feel free to let me know and I can print it for you.

Week 1 Update

Weekly update 1

SS: This week in social studies we are learning about maps. Each group of three is creating their own cool map, complete with a key, cardinal directions, 3 land forms, and some even have longitude and latitude!
Science: This week in science we are learning about the water cycle and how it helps the environment. We did an activity where we were water molecules and we created a timeline of our life, and then we wrote a story about it.
Reading: We wrote book reports this week.
Theater: This week in theater we met Heather Hawkins and we learned Puck's speech in A Midsummer Night's Dream!

A special thank you to Emilia F and Emma for updating today's blog.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Schoolology Login

We are using a new system this year to connect with parents and students about course work and class information. It is called Schoology and every student will have their own login. I will be using this in conjunction with the blog so you may need to check both.

I hope to be able to use Schoology to enrich classroom activities. It will include assignment information, grades, interactivity for the students and more. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Schoology but remember this is the first time we are using this system, so please be patient.

Parents and guardians will need to create an account to login to Schoology using an access code. You can find your access code by logging into the Source and selecting Schoology Access Codes from the left menu. When it is available you will need to Login by going to

Here is a link to a how to login that may help you get access.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Islandwood Information

My homeroom is going October 12th through the 15th along with Ms. Savage and Ms. Underdahls classes.

I am very excited to be going to Islandwood as a fifth grade group this year. Here is a link to their website. It has lots of information and pictures if you are wondering what to expect.

If you did not receive the packet of forms to fill out, click here to download that information.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Classroom Supply List and Money for Supplies

As a team the fifth grade teachers have opted for a two part system for supplies this year. Below is a short list of supplies that we would like to ask every 5th grader to bring in. We are also asking for a check for $30 so that individual teachers can get specific things for their classrooms (please make out to Cascadia Elementary). For me, I have purchased spiral notebooks for science and other science type things. If you are having trouble with the list or money please feel free to contact me because we do have scholarship money available.


 1 pkg. lined paper
4-black hard-cover composition notebooks
Large pack of Ticonderoga #2 pencils
1 flash drive
at least one package of thin Expo dry-erase markers
2 highlighters
1 box of tissues

1 box of cleaning wipes

Thank you so much for your support.

This is an email to each family in Mr. Hill's class.

Dear Families,

My name is Mr. Hill and I am your child’s teacher this year. My goal is to create an open conversation about your student’s education so please feel free to contact me with any questions related to school. My contact information is listed below and I prefer email but and will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

I am one of three teachers that are working in a team. Mrs. Underdahl, Mrs. Savage and I will be working together to fulfill all the 5th grade academic requirements this year. We will also be complemented by a fantastic group of art, P.E. and music teachers

I am excited to be working with your child and I look forward to teaching science, social studies and reading this year. Below is a link to the state website that shows Washington State Standards. It has a lot of information and is searchable. In Science we are currently transitioning into the Next Generation Science Standards.

Although I won’t be assigning regular homework for science or social studies, students will be expected to be reading nightly. I suggest a minimum of 15 minutes and I expect that is pretty light for most students. They will also be asked to fill out a short review for books they read and I will require they turn one of these in per week.
My background is in business and design so I hope to bring real world situations to every class period. I feel this helps students to make connections to their future. I have my masters in teaching from Willamette University in Oregon and am licensed to teach, elementary education and both math and science at the middle school level.

Please check out this blog regularly for classroom updates, student work and current events. The address is Thank you for this opportunity to work with your child and I look forward to hearing from you.

Joshua Hill
206.252.5914, ext. 2-5802