Friday, September 25, 2015

The Hunt

The Hunt
By Andrew Fukuda

Review by Yuena Kim
       The Hunt takes place in an apocalyptic future where a  war supposedly destroyed everywhere on earth except America.
       After the war, vampires rule the country. The vampire citizens believe that hepers (humans) are all extinct because as soon as the war ended, hepers were pounced on and eaten. This gives the hepers in hiding a quite a disadvantage
because any scent of sweat or inability to run very fast ends up in either suspicion or the heper getting eaten.
      The main character is Gene, and he is a heper. He is seventeen years old, and so far, no one has figured out that he is a heper. the other main character is Ashley June and (spoiler alert) she is also a heper. Ashley June figured out that Gene is a heper., though Gene doesn't know that, and doesn't know that Ashley June is also a heper.
      Because the citizens do not particularly like the Director(leader), the Director hosts a Hunt, where he revealed that he has kept hepers in capitivity. A few lucky citizens will be chosen to hunt them down. The hepers will be released in the wild with a twelve hour head start. Every vampire wants to be chosen because no one has tased a heper before.
      Unluckily, both Gene and Ashley June get chosen, with a couple of others. At the capitol, Gene makes friends with the hepers in captivity, and he tells them about the Hunt.
      At the end, everyone in the capitol finds out that Gene and Ashley June are hepers and Gene and Ashley June Escape and stop the Hunt.

I only gave The Hunt three stars because, all the events were predictable, there wasn't a big climax, and I personally don't like paranormal fiction.

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