Wednesday, September 2, 2015

This is an email to each family in Mr. Hill's class.

Dear Families,

My name is Mr. Hill and I am your child’s teacher this year. My goal is to create an open conversation about your student’s education so please feel free to contact me with any questions related to school. My contact information is listed below and I prefer email but and will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

I am one of three teachers that are working in a team. Mrs. Underdahl, Mrs. Savage and I will be working together to fulfill all the 5th grade academic requirements this year. We will also be complemented by a fantastic group of art, P.E. and music teachers

I am excited to be working with your child and I look forward to teaching science, social studies and reading this year. Below is a link to the state website that shows Washington State Standards. It has a lot of information and is searchable. In Science we are currently transitioning into the Next Generation Science Standards.

Although I won’t be assigning regular homework for science or social studies, students will be expected to be reading nightly. I suggest a minimum of 15 minutes and I expect that is pretty light for most students. They will also be asked to fill out a short review for books they read and I will require they turn one of these in per week.
My background is in business and design so I hope to bring real world situations to every class period. I feel this helps students to make connections to their future. I have my masters in teaching from Willamette University in Oregon and am licensed to teach, elementary education and both math and science at the middle school level.

Please check out this blog regularly for classroom updates, student work and current events. The address is Thank you for this opportunity to work with your child and I look forward to hearing from you.

Joshua Hill
206.252.5914, ext. 2-5802

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