Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Schoolology Login

We are using a new system this year to connect with parents and students about course work and class information. It is called Schoology and every student will have their own login. I will be using this in conjunction with the blog so you may need to check both.

I hope to be able to use Schoology to enrich classroom activities. It will include assignment information, grades, interactivity for the students and more. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Schoology but remember this is the first time we are using this system, so please be patient.

Parents and guardians will need to create an account to login to Schoology using an access code. You can find your access code by logging into the Source and selecting Schoology Access Codes from the left menu. When it is available you will need to Login by going to

Here is a link to a how to login that may help you get access.

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