Friday, December 9, 2016

Weekly Update 12/9/16


In math this week we finished up chapter 5 with a test on algebra. It included;  writing expressions, adding and subtracting fractions, factoring expressions and  using expressions to solve real-world problems. The test corrections will be handed back next week and students can take them home over the break to make any changes they need to make. We will be starting chapter 6 next week with a quick introduction.



This week in science, we started a presentation on riparian zones. Every student was given a point of view and asked to research how their point of view would increase, decrease or not change riparian rules in Oregon. Next week we will be giving our presentations and our mock panel will be making a decision. This has been a good way for students to understand the social, economical and environmental impacts decisions made in the real world.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Chapter 5 Math Resources

5-1 Algebraic Expressions

5-2 Sequences

5-3 Properties of Operations

5-4 The Distributive Property

Friday, October 28, 2016

Parent Shutterfly

Mr. Hill's Homeroom

Lezley Fyke, our room parent has put together this shutterfly sight for pictures. Please take a moment to log in and check it out. For more information please contact Lezley at


Weekly Update


This week, we created an ode to a special object or person in their lives, and created a poem in dedication. We also wrote poems inspired by their rooms, with an aim to convey something about their space, and themselves through the poem. Student poetry writing is culminating in a typed, illustrated anthology that they will complete next week. Students will also pick and perform one of their Reading


Social Studies

This week, student groups taught the class about the organization of our government. Groups presented on the constitution, the bill of rights, the three branches of government, and federalism. Students took notes on their classmate’s presentations, and used the information to think about what a class government would look like, if it resembled the US government.




This week in math we finished the chapter on rational numbers, students learned to convert between standard and metric units and to multiply rational numbers. Next week we will take our chapter test on Tuesday. The rest of the week, we will be at Seatlh.


In math, one of my goals is to focus on the mathematical practices. Specifically 3a, Construct viable arguments. This focus will push students to explain their work and to show how they got an answer. It is my hope that this focus will make them better mathematicians and do better academically. All the 5th grade teachers are focusing on this and we will be working together to support students. If you have any questions or comments, I am very open to feedback from parents and students.





This week in science we setup for our last experiment from the curriculum. We are growing grass seed and mustard plants to simulate trees, bushes and plants that help stabilize for erosion. Next week we will test to see if this works. After that we will be building our own experiments with the goal of answer an experimental question that each group came up with. That project will be a majority of our science grade for this unit and I am excited to see what students come up with.


Mr. Drollinger’s Physical Education Newsletter for November 2016



* Finishing Halloween stations

* Finish/catchup on fitness testing

* Finish 5 components of fitness

* Soccer unit

Seattle Children’s Kids Marathon is happening again this year (SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 2016 @ 10:00 am) and I would love to see more Cascadia students at the race this year. I am getting posters and flyers to put up around the school and getting a jump start on the information this year! If your child wants to sign up, follow the link below to check out all of the event details. I will be willing to make a banner or poster for the day of the race to have all Cascadia students and families to meet and greet before and after the race. Please contact me if your child is going to race so I can start a tally of the students wanting to do the race. When you register your child there is a drop down button to join a group, I have already created a group for our school (Cascadia Elementary), then under that there is a spot for a Group keyword and the keyword is Dragons.

We have 36 students signed up to run the marathon as of 10/21/16. I have sent out the marathon packets to your child/children registered. Seattle Children’s Kids Marathon link:


Math Resources

There is a math test on Tuesday and this Kahnacadamy is a great way to review and practice for any test.

Here is a link to the dividing fractions unit, but you can search for any lesson topic and they are aligned to the standards.

If a student wants to have their own account, they can add me as a teacher. My username is Jdhillsps and then I can track student progress and encourage them to work on specific units.

Water Resources

Here are a few websites I use in science for water
View full lesson: Water is a special substance for several reasons, and you may ...
Water is a very interesting molecule made up of only one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Even if it seems simple, all life on Earth is dependent on it fo...
Image Credits: Photos: girl drinking: Natasha Paterson / AGE Fotostock tree: Digital Vision / AGE Fotostock; polar bear: NOAA; kangaroo rat: AMNH / R. Mickens morning ...
Learn the basics about hard and soft water, the differences between these and where to find examples in everyday life. This Open Educational Resource is free of ...
Information for young school children to help understand water

Friday, October 14, 2016

Weekly Update

Room Parents

Mr. Hill's room parent, Lezley Fyke and Mr. Brown's room parent, Kasumi Yamashita are trying to put together a complete list of parent contact information. You can find their contact information below and if you have not already, send them a quick email with your information. One of the things they are doing is planning the October classroom party that will be on Monday the 30th. If you would like to contribute or participate, feel free to contact either one.

S306, Lezley Fyke,

S307, Kasumi Yamashita




Conferences are again the week of Thanksgiving and will be split between Monday and Tuesday. We will be available together for 25 minute blocks and will meet with all students for half of that time.  The below link will take you to a signup form that you can fill out and submit for time slots. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and hopefully we can address them in the meeting.



You can also get to this from our classroom blog at


Camp Sealth
We are taking money for Sealth and each child will be $125. Adults will be $100. If you need assistance with this, please contact Beth Lee at Make checks payable to Cascadia Elementary. We also want to make sure kids are comfortable, so make sure you have warm dry clothing. If you have any extras and think you can pass them down to someone else in the class, feel free to send in any clean wet weather gear.
We did send home the release packet for Sealth on Thursday, so please check binders for things that need to be signed. If you need another copy we can email it to you.

This week, we created an ode to a special object or person in their lives, and created a poem in dedication. We also wrote poems inspired by their rooms, with an aim to convey something about their space, and themselves through the poem. Student poetry writing is culminating in a typed, illustrated anthology that they will complete next week. Students will also pick and perform one of their poems to the class.
We finished up reading and analyzing All Summer in a Day, and students moving on to analyzing setting and theme in a new story, Follow the Water by Jennifer L. Holm. Through their work, students are thinking about theme, and how authors weave different themes into their stories.
Social Studies
This week, student groups taught the class about the organization of our government. Groups presented on the constitution, the bill of rights, the three branches of government, and federalism. Students took notes on their classmate’s presentations, and used the information to think about what a class government would look like, if it resembled the US government.


This week we started with converting between fractions and decimals. Then we learned how to compare rational numbers and began to add and subtract fractions. Students worked on an inquiry lab that allowed them to explore fractions on the number line. For those students who are visual learners it gave them a chance to visualize rational number movement on the number line. For Intrapersonal learners it gave them a chance to work with new people.


This week we compared the first experiment with our stream tables to one with a rushing river. We discovered that faster water meant more erosion and deposition. We are also preparing for our final experiment in a few weeks that we get to design our selves. Students are thinking  about what it takes to design a good experiment. Things like controlled variables, manipulated variables and measured variables. Next week they will be asked to come up with a scientific question that can be answered using our stream tables.



Thursday, October 13, 2016


Many of your students already know that unicycling is something we do at recesses at Cascadia and it has ARRIVED! Below is the schedule for the different a and b weeks (today is a B week, you can always check the FYI for which week it is).


A Week
Monday: 1st/2nd grade recess (11:15-11:35)
Wednesday: 1st/2nd grade recess (11:15-11:35)
Friday: 4th grade (11:40-12pm), 3rd grade (12:05-12:25) and 5th grade (12:30-12:50)


·         B Week
Monday: 1st/2nd grade recess (11:15-11:35)
Tuesday: 4th grade (11:40-12pm), 3rd grade (12:05-12:25) and 5th grade (12:30-12:50)
Wednesday: 4th grade (11:40-12pm), 3rd grade (12:05-12:25) and 5th grade (12:30-12:50)
Thursday: 1st/2nd grade recess (11:15-11:35)
Friday: 4th grade (11:40-12pm), 3rd grade (12:05-12:25) and 5th grade (12:30-12:50)

Science Websites

A few of the resources we used in class:
In much the same way that geographic borders have separated, collided, and been redrawn throughout human history, tectonic plate boundaries have diverged, converged ...
Iguaçu river and falls in the Atlantic forest - View incredible Atlantic forest videos on ARKive
River landforms. The movement of water is significant for understanding the environment. Rivers shape our landscape and it is important to understand what causes ...
Accessibility FOIA Privacy Policies and Notices. U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey URL:
Information and facts about rivers for children doing a project on rivers
PROTECT OUR WATERS. Protect Our Waters is the City of Seattle’s commitment to take actions and promote partnerships that protect and improve our creeks, lakes, the ...
If you likes How Wolves Change Rivers, check out How Whales Change Climate: For more from George Monbiot, visit h...


Camp Sealth

Camp Sealth

We are taking money for Sealth and each child will be $125. Adults will be $100. If you need assistance with this, please contact Beth Lee at Make checks payable to Cascadia Elementary. We also want to make sure kids are comfortable, so make sure you have warm dry clothing. If you have any extras and think you can pass them down to someone else in the class, feel free to send in any clean wet weather gear.
We will be sending out permission slips and packets in the next week, so check your backpacks and binders.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Bloggers Update

In math we have started doing a new unit where we are learning about multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting negative and positive fractions. In science we are learning about erosion and how it works. We have made our own stream tables, to learn about how streams are created. We have also been teaching our second grade buddies about erosion and what we have learned. In art we are making our myths and turning them into comics.

Candy Buy Back

Cascadia’s 2nd annual Halloween candy challenge 
Join in this school event by donating some, or all, of your candy you collect on Halloween night.  It’s a WIN-WIN for everyone involved. Last year we collected 841.1 pounds of candy and the top class was Mrs. Ford’s 4th grade, which helped earn all 4th graders an extra 30 minutes of field day. AFTER HALLOWEEN, CANDY NEEDS TO BE TURNED IN BY NOVEMBER 4TH TO YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHER. (Please don’t turn in full bags of purchased candy.) 
Things to consider: 
  • Make a card for our active military to receive with their care package of candy. 
Benefits include: 
  • Candy donated to U.S. military troops to give them a piece of “home” 
  • You are eating less candy and sugar 
Prizes include: 
  • An extra half hour of field day for the grade level that brings in the most candy (based on the average weight brought in by each student in their grade level). 
  • An extra PE day for the top homeroom class that brings in the most candy, per grade level (average weight brought in per student). 
  • A picture will be taken with all of the candy donated and displayed in the main office and in the Thursday Note.  
Grand Prize = Working as a community for a positive change and healthier kids! 

Weekly Update

Dates to Remember 
King County Elections Office, Thursday, October 20th 
Camp Sealth November 2nd through the 4th 
Shakespeare Performances will be held March 13th and 14th  
(not sure which date is which class, yet). 
Camp Sealth 
We are starting to take money for Sealth and each child will be $125. Adults will be $100. If you need assistance with this, please contact Beth Lee at  Make checks payable to Cascadia Elementary. We also want to make sure kids are comfortable, so make sure you have warm dry clothing. If you have any extras and think you can pass them down to someone else in the class, feel free to send in any clean wet weather gear.  
Mr. Hill’s Class 
The biggest news this week is that we received our lab coats. They had our custom made name badges on them and they look amazing. We are sharing them with Mr. Browns class but I expect they will help a great deal to keep our cloths clean. This week the Order of the Phoenix's met to discuss the charter and ways to live it in our everyday lives.. 
Mr. Hill has a blog that you can check for additional information and resources for both classes.  
Here is a link to the district Student Portal. One of the links is Schoolology and has logins for both students and parents. I use this for my grade book, for assignments and other communications. This link is information on logging in and I will be teaching students how to log in, in the first few weeks. It is good for students to get used to checking grades and looking at assignments as well as being able to communicate with their teachers before they move in to middle school and hopefully this will help prepare them for next year. 
Typing Agent 
There is also a link on that same district site, to typing agent. Students all have a login and we encourage each student to spend a regular amount of time practicing as much as possible. 
We ended last week with integers and began this week with rational numbers. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals and fractions is our goal but throwing into the equation, positive and negatives.  
Here are some pictures of last weeks games.  

We ran our first experiment with our stream tables. Creating streams that ran down the middle. We will be adjusting this basic experiment in the future to look at the differences between faster moving water and steeper slopes. We also read about how the crust of the earth gets its features, looking at tectonic plates, the layers of the earth and convection currents. 

We are going to need chaperones and volunteers for events this year. Please get your paperwork in as soon as possible the deadline for this paperwork is October 15th and the district is not flexible about that date. If you would like to be one of the overnight chaperones for camp, that paperwork is a little different and need to be turned in as soon as possible. Forms are available in the office.  Remember to bring ID.  If you have a job or hobby that would be relevant to our in-class studies, then we’d love to have you. 
The deadline for getting volunteer paperwork is coming up on October 15th.