Friday, October 28, 2016

Weekly Update


This week, we created an ode to a special object or person in their lives, and created a poem in dedication. We also wrote poems inspired by their rooms, with an aim to convey something about their space, and themselves through the poem. Student poetry writing is culminating in a typed, illustrated anthology that they will complete next week. Students will also pick and perform one of their Reading


Social Studies

This week, student groups taught the class about the organization of our government. Groups presented on the constitution, the bill of rights, the three branches of government, and federalism. Students took notes on their classmate’s presentations, and used the information to think about what a class government would look like, if it resembled the US government.




This week in math we finished the chapter on rational numbers, students learned to convert between standard and metric units and to multiply rational numbers. Next week we will take our chapter test on Tuesday. The rest of the week, we will be at Seatlh.


In math, one of my goals is to focus on the mathematical practices. Specifically 3a, Construct viable arguments. This focus will push students to explain their work and to show how they got an answer. It is my hope that this focus will make them better mathematicians and do better academically. All the 5th grade teachers are focusing on this and we will be working together to support students. If you have any questions or comments, I am very open to feedback from parents and students.





This week in science we setup for our last experiment from the curriculum. We are growing grass seed and mustard plants to simulate trees, bushes and plants that help stabilize for erosion. Next week we will test to see if this works. After that we will be building our own experiments with the goal of answer an experimental question that each group came up with. That project will be a majority of our science grade for this unit and I am excited to see what students come up with.


Mr. Drollinger’s Physical Education Newsletter for November 2016



* Finishing Halloween stations

* Finish/catchup on fitness testing

* Finish 5 components of fitness

* Soccer unit

Seattle Children’s Kids Marathon is happening again this year (SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 2016 @ 10:00 am) and I would love to see more Cascadia students at the race this year. I am getting posters and flyers to put up around the school and getting a jump start on the information this year! If your child wants to sign up, follow the link below to check out all of the event details. I will be willing to make a banner or poster for the day of the race to have all Cascadia students and families to meet and greet before and after the race. Please contact me if your child is going to race so I can start a tally of the students wanting to do the race. When you register your child there is a drop down button to join a group, I have already created a group for our school (Cascadia Elementary), then under that there is a spot for a Group keyword and the keyword is Dragons.

We have 36 students signed up to run the marathon as of 10/21/16. I have sent out the marathon packets to your child/children registered. Seattle Children’s Kids Marathon link:


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