Friday, October 14, 2016

Weekly Update

Room Parents

Mr. Hill's room parent, Lezley Fyke and Mr. Brown's room parent, Kasumi Yamashita are trying to put together a complete list of parent contact information. You can find their contact information below and if you have not already, send them a quick email with your information. One of the things they are doing is planning the October classroom party that will be on Monday the 30th. If you would like to contribute or participate, feel free to contact either one.

S306, Lezley Fyke,

S307, Kasumi Yamashita




Conferences are again the week of Thanksgiving and will be split between Monday and Tuesday. We will be available together for 25 minute blocks and will meet with all students for half of that time.  The below link will take you to a signup form that you can fill out and submit for time slots. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and hopefully we can address them in the meeting.



You can also get to this from our classroom blog at


Camp Sealth
We are taking money for Sealth and each child will be $125. Adults will be $100. If you need assistance with this, please contact Beth Lee at Make checks payable to Cascadia Elementary. We also want to make sure kids are comfortable, so make sure you have warm dry clothing. If you have any extras and think you can pass them down to someone else in the class, feel free to send in any clean wet weather gear.
We did send home the release packet for Sealth on Thursday, so please check binders for things that need to be signed. If you need another copy we can email it to you.

This week, we created an ode to a special object or person in their lives, and created a poem in dedication. We also wrote poems inspired by their rooms, with an aim to convey something about their space, and themselves through the poem. Student poetry writing is culminating in a typed, illustrated anthology that they will complete next week. Students will also pick and perform one of their poems to the class.
We finished up reading and analyzing All Summer in a Day, and students moving on to analyzing setting and theme in a new story, Follow the Water by Jennifer L. Holm. Through their work, students are thinking about theme, and how authors weave different themes into their stories.
Social Studies
This week, student groups taught the class about the organization of our government. Groups presented on the constitution, the bill of rights, the three branches of government, and federalism. Students took notes on their classmate’s presentations, and used the information to think about what a class government would look like, if it resembled the US government.


This week we started with converting between fractions and decimals. Then we learned how to compare rational numbers and began to add and subtract fractions. Students worked on an inquiry lab that allowed them to explore fractions on the number line. For those students who are visual learners it gave them a chance to visualize rational number movement on the number line. For Intrapersonal learners it gave them a chance to work with new people.


This week we compared the first experiment with our stream tables to one with a rushing river. We discovered that faster water meant more erosion and deposition. We are also preparing for our final experiment in a few weeks that we get to design our selves. Students are thinking  about what it takes to design a good experiment. Things like controlled variables, manipulated variables and measured variables. Next week they will be asked to come up with a scientific question that can be answered using our stream tables.



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