Friday, October 7, 2016

Candy Buy Back

Cascadia’s 2nd annual Halloween candy challenge 
Join in this school event by donating some, or all, of your candy you collect on Halloween night.  It’s a WIN-WIN for everyone involved. Last year we collected 841.1 pounds of candy and the top class was Mrs. Ford’s 4th grade, which helped earn all 4th graders an extra 30 minutes of field day. AFTER HALLOWEEN, CANDY NEEDS TO BE TURNED IN BY NOVEMBER 4TH TO YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHER. (Please don’t turn in full bags of purchased candy.) 
Things to consider: 
  • Make a card for our active military to receive with their care package of candy. 
Benefits include: 
  • Candy donated to U.S. military troops to give them a piece of “home” 
  • You are eating less candy and sugar 
Prizes include: 
  • An extra half hour of field day for the grade level that brings in the most candy (based on the average weight brought in by each student in their grade level). 
  • An extra PE day for the top homeroom class that brings in the most candy, per grade level (average weight brought in per student). 
  • A picture will be taken with all of the candy donated and displayed in the main office and in the Thursday Note.  
Grand Prize = Working as a community for a positive change and healthier kids! 

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