Thursday, March 24, 2016

Weekly Update


Students have continued to finish their first memoirs or start on their second or third one.  We’ve all also had the opportunity to see our friends’ production of “Twelfth Night” this week.  Finally, we got some amazing news that three students from the triad have swept the podium at the EMP Short Story Writing Contest!  Edan Gortzak took first, Amelia Jones got second, and Cordelia Rodriguez placed third!  We are all thrilled for them feel so happy and proud of our Cascadia friends.

Congratulations, Edan, Ameila and Cordelia!!!

Science We have started this week looking at the functions of the organelles in plant and animal cells. They have started doing research for a 3D Cell model that will be due before students leave for spring break. The are required to make a model of a cell, plant or animal, that has all the organelles of their specific cell. Some time will be given in class to work on this and some supplies will be available. I will also post the requirements on for parents to look at.

Social Studies
We finished our colonist persona this week and if you have a chance to come look at them they are pretty neat. We will be looking at the lead up to the revolutionary war in the next few weeks with a culmination in the Colonial Market Place. Parents and guardians will be invited and we will need some volunteers to act as chaperones that day.

We also need to get the last checks in for field trips. If you have not already, we need checks for $35 made out to Cascadia.

Thank you and have a great weekend.

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