Thursday, May 26, 2016

5th Grade Pool Event

Hi Families of S306,
All 5th grade families are welcome to attend the 5th grade Swim and Snack Potluck on
SATURDAY, JUNE 18th from 7-9pm at Pop Mounger Pool in Magnolia.
There is a max limit of 200 people total including non swimmers so be sure to sign up as soon as possible!  Hope to see you there, Thea (Reed's Mom)


Sign up here [link to] to attend this year’s FUN, final 5th Grade Activity - Swim Party and Snack Potluck. There is a limit of 200 people for this event (including those not swimming)
Here are all the details:
·         This is NOT a drop-off event; however, in order to accommodate as many 5th graders as possible, try to group together with some parents to bring 5/5th Graders per parent.
·         All family members are welcome. Please sign up all people coming to the event – even if some will only be “on deck” –each body will be part of the requisite count .
·         Children who wish to go on the slide and the deep end will be required to pass a swim test given by the Lifeguards on duty. 
·         Kids under 6 must have an adult with them in the pool at all times. 
·         We are required to give an accurate headcount of folks (if you don’t plan to swim, you must still include yourself)
·         Please leave electronics at home.
“POP” Mounger has two great pools: the Big one has a 50’ corkscrew slide and is 85 degrees, while the Little pool is shallower and warmer at 94 degrees. It also has plenty of seating, both in and out of the sun ~ or showers ~ and tables will be set up for the pot luck (only lightning strikes will close the pool). There is limited parking at the pool and tons of free parking on the street.

Please bring your nut-free dish in a recyclable container that is clearly labeled. The potluck includes snacks, sandwiches (or similar light foods) or dessert to share. The PTA will provide drinks for this event.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Weekly Update

This week in Solutions and Solutions we worked on our final lab, where students had to design a procedure for cleaning "Acme Waste Water." They used what they learned in this unit to write a way of taking Iron Chloride out of water used to clean iron and then neutralize it in order to make it safe to put back in the water system. Students had fun working with a partner to solve a problem. Next week we will write up our results and do some similar testing in Green Lake.

Hill Social Studies
This week we did a class timeline for the Revolutionary War. Looking at battles and siginificant events that led to Continental Solders victory over the British.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Weekly Update

This week we worked on playwriting. Students have now written monologues and are starting on two-person scenes. Some are quite hilarious, so see if your student has a piece to perform for you! Over the next few weeks the students will write ten-minute plays. The writing for this unit will mostly be done at home. This is a change since in the past, the kids have done all the writing in class. The change is due to the fact that the kids will sign up for a workshop day and come to school that day prepared to have a scene or two from their work-in-progress read. Therefore, we will be listening to student plays during class instead of spending the whole class time writing. They will, however, have an opportunity to start their plays in class before we start workshop days.


This week we finished up our measurement unit by looking at the surface area and volume of composite shapes. Next week we will review these concepts before taking a test. We will also spend some time in the Ilab working on our scale project .

Social Studies

This week in social studies we finished our writing about the issues that led up to the Revolutionary War. The grades for this as-signment have been posted on We also looked at codes used dur-ing the war and wrote some very inter-esting codes of our own.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

JAMS Ice Cream Social

Thursday, June 2nd


Does your family include any fifth graders who will be attending Jane Addams Middle School next year? Please come and learn more about the middle school experience, get to know some of the administration and staff and enjoy some ice-cream or popsicles with other members of your sixth grade class. Parents are welcome to drop their students off, or they can meet with our PTSA in the library to hear from counselors and school leadership and learn more about JAMS and the many opportunities they have to get involved. Families do not need to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you!

6:30-6:45 Overview in Auditorium
6:45-7:45 Incoming Student Welcome
6:45-7:45 Parent Information in Library
7:45-8:00 Ice Cream in Cafeteria


AND, Monday, June 13th


Join us for our incoming 6th graders ice cream social, Monday, June 13th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in the Hamilton Commons.


All incoming 6th graders and their families are welcome.  Meet other new students, our 8th grade WEB leaders and take a look at your new middle school.  Everyone will enjoy cool, delicious ice cream treats!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Green Lake Field Trip

The permission slip is due Friday, May 20th. This form is for the Greenlake field trip that focuses on water sampling, filtration, and the history of Greenlake. We will walk from school to Greenlake, conduct the activities, eat lunch, and walk back to school. There will be several teacher directed activity stations that the students will participate in.
Permission Form due: Friday, May 20th
Field Trip Date: Weds., June 1st (this is an early release day-fyi)
What kids need to bring: a packed lunch/water bottle/hat/applied sunscreen-whatever weather dictates
Be prepared: wear good walking shoes and wear weather appropriate clothing/gear
Learning Focus: Science
**School Lunch: If your child needs a packed school lunch, please let Ms.Toney or Ms. Meyer know by Monday, May 16th.

Weekly Update

We are continuing with solutions and pollutions but have been interrupted with testing. Next week and the week after we will be wrapping up the unit with a final project on cleaning water and students will be able to describe in detail a process for cleaning waste water. Next week is the Science MSP on Thursday and I expect students to be tired that day but I have faith they will do well.

Social Studies
This week we spent a lot of time on social studies with factors that led up to the revolutionary war and a great simulation of the Second Continental Congress. They signed the Declaration of Independence after simulating the debate the led to it. Students really got into the characters of the founding fathers. Next we move into the war itself and soon we will be looking at the new government.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Parents Night Out

The time and energy that parent volunteers gave this year made our school a better place for all of our students. Rather than hosting our usual Volunteer Tea to show our appreciation, we thought you might enjoy a Parent’s Night Out. The Cascadia staff would like to invite all of you amazing volunteers to leave your little ones here at school with us then go have some adult time!
We will have a movie in the library for the kids, active games on one side of the gym, and calm activities on the other side of the gym. Your children will have fun and be in good hands so you won’t have to worry.
The Details
When: Friday, June 10th from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Drop-off location: Bring your children to the gym entrance in the North Parking lot. There will be sign-in tables inside and a staff member there to help you sign your children in.
What to bring: Please pack a snack and a water bottle for your child. Optional items can include: a pillow and sleeping bag for the movie, a stuffed animal, a book, or a craft (knitting, sewing, etc…). Please no electronics!!
Pick-up: Same place as drop-off. You’ll be required to sign your child out.
RSVP: E-mail your child’s teacher no later than Monday, June 6th. Include the contact numbers that we should use on the night of the event if we should need to get in touch with you.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekly Update

This week we studied PH in acids and bases. We looked at how we can dilute them to make them less strong and how we can counter them with opposites. Students learned the PH scale and we tested many household chemicals. Ask your student what the most dangerous chemical in the house is. Next week because of testing science will be put on the back burner but hopefully we will get back into solutions and pollutions after that.


This week students started our second geometry unit. We looked at Volume of prisms and pyramids. Students also started looking at circles. We did a quick experiment on Friday to help us understand the meaning of Pi. Next week we will learn more about Surface area and composite shapes.

Kids worked on finishing their persua-sive essays this week. I managed to check in with nearly every student this week and I’m impressed. So proud of how well they’ve all learned to write this year! And wait until you see their pas-sionate writing on a variety of topics with this one. By the end of next week we should have all the essays up on the wall for your viewing pleasure.

Social Studies

This week we finished reading about some of the things that led up to the revolution-ary war and most colonists have sided with the patriots, although some loyalists hold out. Next week we will reenacting the sec-ond continental congress and after that it's off to WAR.

Pacific Marine Research vessel on June 7 and June 8


Tuesday 5/10— Math test

Wednesday 5/11— Math performance task

Tuesday 5/17— Reading test

Wednesday 5/18 — Reading performance Task

Thursday 5/19— Science test