Thursday, May 19, 2016

Weekly Update

This week we worked on playwriting. Students have now written monologues and are starting on two-person scenes. Some are quite hilarious, so see if your student has a piece to perform for you! Over the next few weeks the students will write ten-minute plays. The writing for this unit will mostly be done at home. This is a change since in the past, the kids have done all the writing in class. The change is due to the fact that the kids will sign up for a workshop day and come to school that day prepared to have a scene or two from their work-in-progress read. Therefore, we will be listening to student plays during class instead of spending the whole class time writing. They will, however, have an opportunity to start their plays in class before we start workshop days.


This week we finished up our measurement unit by looking at the surface area and volume of composite shapes. Next week we will review these concepts before taking a test. We will also spend some time in the Ilab working on our scale project .

Social Studies

This week in social studies we finished our writing about the issues that led up to the Revolutionary War. The grades for this as-signment have been posted on We also looked at codes used dur-ing the war and wrote some very inter-esting codes of our own.

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