Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Parents Night Out

The time and energy that parent volunteers gave this year made our school a better place for all of our students. Rather than hosting our usual Volunteer Tea to show our appreciation, we thought you might enjoy a Parent’s Night Out. The Cascadia staff would like to invite all of you amazing volunteers to leave your little ones here at school with us then go have some adult time!
We will have a movie in the library for the kids, active games on one side of the gym, and calm activities on the other side of the gym. Your children will have fun and be in good hands so you won’t have to worry.
The Details
When: Friday, June 10th from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Drop-off location: Bring your children to the gym entrance in the North Parking lot. There will be sign-in tables inside and a staff member there to help you sign your children in.
What to bring: Please pack a snack and a water bottle for your child. Optional items can include: a pillow and sleeping bag for the movie, a stuffed animal, a book, or a craft (knitting, sewing, etc…). Please no electronics!!
Pick-up: Same place as drop-off. You’ll be required to sign your child out.
RSVP: E-mail your child’s teacher no later than Monday, June 6th. Include the contact numbers that we should use on the night of the event if we should need to get in touch with you.

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