Friday, May 13, 2016

Green Lake Field Trip

The permission slip is due Friday, May 20th. This form is for the Greenlake field trip that focuses on water sampling, filtration, and the history of Greenlake. We will walk from school to Greenlake, conduct the activities, eat lunch, and walk back to school. There will be several teacher directed activity stations that the students will participate in.
Permission Form due: Friday, May 20th
Field Trip Date: Weds., June 1st (this is an early release day-fyi)
What kids need to bring: a packed lunch/water bottle/hat/applied sunscreen-whatever weather dictates
Be prepared: wear good walking shoes and wear weather appropriate clothing/gear
Learning Focus: Science
**School Lunch: If your child needs a packed school lunch, please let Ms.Toney or Ms. Meyer know by Monday, May 16th.

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