Monday, May 22, 2017


Field Trips
To confirm, PMR is on Friday June 16th.

Transportation for this trip is similar to the IslandWood transportation. There will not be any transportation from/to school. Students must be dropped off at the Bell Harbor Pier 66 at 8:45 am. Adults will be there to supervise until we board the boat. Students must be picked up at 2:30 pm at the Bell Harbor pier. A map of where Bell Harbor Pier 66 is located and more information about parking options is here: . If you need help coordinating transportation please contact our wonderful room parents:

S306, Lezley Fyke,

S307, Kasumi Yamashita


For PMR please make sure you student wears comfortable, weather appropriate clothing and gear for being on a boat; bring a packed lunch/water bottle. Activities will be both indoors (in cabin) and outdoors (on deck). Applied sunscreen is a great idea too.

Promotion is June 22nd at 10am. We will be walking to Meridian Park afterwards for a picnic in the park. This is a change from previous newsletters.

We finished our geometry unit last week with a unit test. That was handed back today and some students did struggle keeping track of all the parts of the problem. The thing I noticed most was students trying to solve all parts in their head. Remind them, they must show their work.

We started the unit on statistics and probability. One of my favorite subjects. We looked at compound events and eventually we will be doing our own surveys.

This week we looked at dilution and PH. Trying to figure out if we need to worry about either when cleaning the acme wastewater. We had fun testing many household chemicals and one conclusion that we came up with was that Coke is one of the most dangerous solutions in the house.

Dates to Remember:
Field Day at Wallingford Park, June 21st.
5th grade Promotion 10 a.m. in the Auditorium and Green Lake Fun Day, June 22nd

Mr. D, will be sending out requests for help for Field Day on June 21st.


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