Friday, May 19, 2017

Weekly blog update

Alright guys, it's Mark and I'm back with another blog update. so this week we did some pretty cool stuff actually, like measuring the acidity of household objects. One of the most base like things measuring in at 10/12 ph was a powder used for cleaning called comet. We had to mix it with water because it was solid and not liquid. The most acidic was coke, clocking in at 3 ph. We had a ton of other stuff like apple conditioner, Gatorade, bleach, and even mouthwash! We also tested with KOH (Potassium chloride) and HCI (Hydro chloric acid). We mixed them in this weird orange thing called universal indicator. It was all orange and the bottle was all nasty looking. Besides that, cell models were due today and most everyone is done. We also got to dip our colonial newspaper article in tea and crumple it so that it looked ancient. We also have the school's concert on Monday. Don't miss it! we've got the brass and woodwind playing Mojo and Journey to the Stars, and the strings playing Sourwood Mountain and Pictures at an Exhibition. We also had our friends Jack and Sophie
 do they're colonial presentation which had a super expensive, high tech, 5$ time machine built in Minecraft which brought us to colonial Virginia. That's all we've got to write about this week. Thanks for reading, and I'll update this next Friday.                                                      -Mark

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