Wednesday, November 15, 2017

11/15/17 Current events Reporter

In social studies we have been reading several chapters in the History of US book. In chapter 14, titled "The power of the press" It talked about how Gutenberg's printing press influenced lots of people to have more creative ideas. One of the ideas that someone got inspired by the press, was the compass. This made it so that the people on the seas did not have to count on the stars. The compass can show you what direction you are facing. Because of people and their ideas, other people started to follow them and move around the country. For example, prince Henry the sailor inspired other sailors, mapmakers, scientists, and mathematicians all moved to the capitol of Portugal where Prince Henry was.

In chapter 15, titled "A Boy Named Christopher Has a Dream" IT talks about the globe. We had to make a new journal entry with a drawing of the longitude and latitude lines. We also have to make a vocabulary section and explain all of the vocabulary words. The words were: Hemisphere, Equator, and Prime Meridian. Hemisphere is the zero-degree line of latitude that goes across the globe. We live on the North hemisphere not the South hemisphere. The equator is the middle of the globe that splits the Northern hemisphere from the Southern hemisphere. Lastly, Prime Meridian is the main meridian on the globe. It is a line of longitude. In the book, in one of the text boxes, it says "Some people call lines of latitude "meridians." They help measure time. 

This Week:
So far, this week in math, we have been working on adding linear expressions. Our learning target was "I can use numbers and symbols in math!" We have been applying our knowledge of all the different properties to solving and simplifying expressions.

This Monday, we worked on simplifying algebraic expressions. We talked about the definitions of terms, like terms, and constants. For the Got's It's we worked on identifying the terms and constants in expressions. We used a lot of the knowledge we learned on Monday when or work got harder as the week went on. We stopped the lesson just in time for an early switch to Mr. Browns room. We switched early because of Monday work day!

Afterward, went to lunch/recess and came back feeling refreshed. Back with Mr. Hill, we worked on our Monday Workday tasks for two hours and fifteen minutes (roughly). The instrumental students went to their awesome classes and joined us again later. We were all dismissed at the normal time; 2:25. Monday was an awesome day!

Today we focused mostly on adding Linear expressions, and learning about what it means. We also focused on learning about non-linear expressions. It was a normal math day, and we completed the Got’s It’s on pages’ number 396-397. We had science class and switch, and then came back to Mr. Hill for a normal dismissal.

Early dismissal, Work day.

This week is science, we worked on a chromatography experiment. We were asked by the head of the food science company to determine if a certain dye mixture contained Red 40 or not.
Last Week, Thursday:

To do this, Mr. Hill set up a chromatography experiment that was very interesting, and one that we would later have a test for. We had a chromatography strip on which there was a small, dark green line. That line was the die. We made a small pencil mark very close to the green line, and we taped the whole thing onto a pencil. We put the pencil at a horizontal angle and let it hang above the water. The water went up to where it was barely touching the edge of the green line. Next, Mr. Hill showed us a new experiment that had to do with molecules. When we looked back at the strip, the colors had bled to make a beautiful mixture of colorful dye.

This week, Monday:
This week we didn’t do much science, but on Monday we did read from the book ‘Made of Matter’, pages number 8-13. We defined the words microscope, models, and attracted in our spiral. We also took notes that included diagrams and questions. We did this for Monday work day.

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