Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Weekly Update 2 11/29/17

“Today, I can solve one- step addition and subtraction equations.” That was our towel in math today. We got an understanding of what we would be learning in our new math chapter. We are still working on algebra, but we are getting to different parts of the subject now. Some people were gone on Monday, still traveling on their Thanksgiving break. It was a hard day for everyone, getting back on school schedule. 
On Tuesday, we had a switch with Ms. Savages class on their PE times. We didn’t have PE first thing in the morning like we normally must do. Instead, we had Math class first and left towards the end to go to PE with Ms. Sayles. We worked on a new algebra unit, because we had a test last time we were at school on Tuesday. 

In Writing, NaNoWriMo continues. The students are learning about how to make good story arcs. They are also learning how to form good stories without too much unnecessary violence. 
In writing the students are also starting short story writing, and the students are starting to make a rubric for getting graded. 
Social Studies And Stuff 
In Social Studies, We are learning about Christopher Columbus’s Voyage(s) to The Indies, And Balboa in Panama (Panamanamanamanamanamanamanamanamana). 
We have learned about Christopher Columbus getting Marooned In  
In science the students have continued learning about molecules they have been told to research three specific molecules that are used to make up a toy they enjoy using. They will make a model of a molecule later this month. 
MONDAY (11-27-17) 
On Monday, we had a Monday work day. For Mr. Browns class, we had to read chapter 17 in the history of us then we had to fill out a worksheet about what was brought from the old world to the new world then the new world to the old world. Before we started that we had to do a survival challenge where we would land on the moon but our ship crashed 320km from the mother ship that we were trying to get to. We had 15 items to rank from most important to least important then we would check it with our partner and after word have a class discussion about it. 
After that activity, we did our planner and went home!! 
TUESDAY (11-28-17) 
On Tuesday, we made a student made rubric about theme, the start and end of a story, the climax of a story, Ect. We also read chapter 18 then we had to draw a picture about what Balboa's life was like. Before we knew it it was time to go home!!   

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