Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Weekly Update 11/1/17 #2

   We went to P.E and started the Halloween rotations. They varied from throwing pumpkins at trampolines to going on a scooter through haunted tunnels. After that we went up to Mr. Hill's class and started Math. We did lots of Algebra, we are just starting the chapter so it was pretty basic problems. At about 10:00 we switched over to Mr. Brown's classroom we talked about January Tale and the elements of a good story. The five elements are character, setting, plot, conflict, and theme. After that we went to lunch and recess and like always it was a blast. Of course everyone was super excited for Halloween the next day! When we went back from lunch to Mr. Hill's room it was time for Monday work time. We had a both class discussion online about January Tale and who we think the main character is. We worked on finishing our social studies map, we did a math worksheet, we read a science book and took notes, and we filled out a story mountain with the events in January Tale.

    Almost everyone came to school in their Halloween costumes. We had P.E in our costumes and it was very fun! We finished our Halloween stations and and it got everyone in the Halloween mood.We went up to Mr. Hill's room and worked on Algebra and finding patterns and naming properties. We switched to Mr. Brown's class early and we kept talking about the conflict in January Tale and all the components of a story. After Mr. Brown's class we went to lunch and recess. We went up from lunch and read a story and did our last day of Inktober. We decided to skip recess so our Halloween party longer. The Halloween party was so fun! There were crafts and we  played lots of games. After the party we went home to go trick or treating.

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