Monday, January 29, 2018

Cascadia Health & Wellness Night

Our annual PE Health & Wellness Night is coming up on Wednesday, February 7th from 5:00-7:00 PM in the gym and commons area. We invite all of you to come and participate in fun PE style activities and to learn something new about health and wellness! This is an awesome time to come in person and see what your kids are learning in PE class. All family members can participate too, so come in comfy clothes and your sneakers. JLook for more information to come out through the PTA Dragon Digest in the coming weeks.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Weekly Update 1/24/18 #3

In Math, the students have been learning about proportional and Non-proporzionali realationships

In science, the students are continuing learning about FLASH, specifically about friendship and decision making.

Social Studies
In social studies, the students have finished reading the first book, and are reading the second, “Making Thirteen Colonies”. Then they also had another test, this one about chapters 36-38.

Yesterday the students in both classes created massive blanket forts in celebration of the completion of their books. The students spent most of their afternoon playing in the blanket fort and reading each other's stories. At the end of the day the students broke down the fort and cleaned the class.

Weekly Update 1/24/18 #2

MONDAY (1-22-18)
On monday in LA first we did a mindfullness video and then Mr. Brown talked about our short storys and how they should be typed,
the font and the title page. Then we had workday for the rest of the day.

On Tuesday in LA we had a writing celebration. We built two blanket forts one in each class and then we got to read each others short storys. After we had rainy day recess so lots of people played tag and hide and seek in the fort. Soon we cleaned up then it was time to go home.

Monday: On Monday this week we did a daily math worksheet. You only had to complete two problems on the sheet. We didn’t do science today.

Tuesday: We didn’t do Math today, because we needed to catch up on F.L.A.S.H. then, we worked on building
blanket forts and spent the rest of the day doing LA today.

Wednesday: On Wednesday this week we will do review of the unit. This will prepare us for our test on Thursday.

Thursday: The test is today!                                 

Weekly Update 1/24/18 #1

This week we had a writing celebration. We wore pajamas and built a blanket fort in both classes. We read the short stories and ate snacks. The stories I read were very detailed and had lots of effort put into them. We had some playtime in the fort. Today we have an assembly on jump rope for heart. On Monday we had daily math that was due today and a science project part 2. On Thursday, we have a math test on the stuff we have been learning. We finished book 1 in Social Studies and are going to start book 2 soon. We had a test on chapters 36-39. Next Wednesday we are switching jobs and we are starting our Shakespeare play (Twelfth Knight) on the 30th. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Weekly Update 1/17/18 #1

We need a second 200 dollar check to Cascadia Elementary. It is for camp in June, so don't feel rushed. This Friday, we are going on a field trip to the LIVING COMPUTER MUSEUM. I don't know that many details but there will be computers. Today is early dissmissal and we have an Assembly. Here was the schedule for the last week.

Make sure you bring a lunch for the field trip this Friday.

Monday: MLK Day
Tuesday: CROC(constant rate of change,Revising and editing  our short stories
Wednesday: Assembly 
On Monday it was MLK day so NO SCHOOL!

TUESDAY (1-16-18)
On Tuesday in LA we started with a mindfullness video and then Mr. Brown showed us how to peer review our classmates shortstorys with the drawing thing on word. After we did planner and went home!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Weekly Update 1/10/18 #2

This week in FLASH, the students have been learning about Self-Esteem

In math, the students are learning about proportional and non-proportional relationships, dimensional analysis, and converting unit rates.

MONDAY (1-8-18) LA/SS
On Monday we started off with a mindfullness video and then we talked about religion and then we had to read a social studies chapter and take notes for homework. We had Monday workday after.

TUESDAY (1-9-18) LA/SS
On Tuesday we watched another mindfullness video and Mr. Brown talked about more religion, then we had to make a scavenger hunt on a data base for the other class. Mr. Brown assigned us MORE homework

Monday: Math/Science
Today we worked on daily math. There were three problems on the sheet. You can chose to do the four step problem solving or not, but Mr. Hill recommended that if you need to practice it, you should use it. We finished up with the family questions for FLASH.

Tuesday: Math/Science
Today we worked on more on complex fractions, and converting from different units. This was hard for some students. We started a new F.L.A.S.H unit on self esteem. The unit will be completed in one or two days.

Weekly Update 1/10/18 #1

The picture above is the 1st place winner for the art contest. It was drawn by Arjun Modayur, in Mr. Hill's class.

The picture above is the 2nd place winner, drawn by James Lischner in Mr. Hill's class.

This picture is 3rd place and drawn by Evie Bykowski in Mr. Brown's class.

Everyone who entered did a great job. The submissions were due Friday.

Camp and Other Field Trips

We are going to Nature Bridge this year for camp, June 6, 7 and 8. Check out this link for more information about the program and check back soon for more information about camp.

Don't forget, we still need to pay for camp and the rest of the field trips for the year. Many people have already paid the first installment for camp and field trips of $200 and only need to pay the additional $200. If you need assistance with these payments, we do have scholorships. Email Laura in the office at and she will set it up. If you have forgotten if you have already paid, feel free to email me and I can check my records.

Thank you so much for all your support this year.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Weekly Update 1/3/18 #3

The past two weeks have been free of school for the students. They have told some amazing stories of their travels. One student stayed for the white Christmas enjoying the snow, and doing usual indoor activities. One teacher did a lot of drawing and playing video games. One other student went to Australia.

The students have started FLASH (Family life and sexual health). They have done almost nothing except discussing rules for the following classes.

Weekly Update 1/3/18 #2

Tuesday: Today we didn’t do any math, except for a worksheet, where you go through the maze solving inequalities and try to reach the end. We stopped math early and worked on the rules for F.L.A.S.H. We also had library today.

TUESDAY (1-2-18)
On Tuesday in LA first we did a mind-fullness video and then we had to close our eyes and go to a place where a floating balloon took us. After we read chapter 20 in the history of us books and took notes about it. Then we packed up and it was time to go home.

Weekly Update 1/3/18 #1

Over Winter break, lots of  people went places and some stayed here and experienced a white Christmas. Mostly, people stayed in the US or Canada. But one person went to Australia. That was the furthest anyone in this class had gone. Some of the other places people went were California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Canada. Also, we have a field trip to the Living Computer Museum. We need permission slips by Friday. We are going Friday the 19th.

We have not really done anything in Math since before break. But we got our Math tests back and test corrections are due Friday. We had Library yesterday so we did not have time. Yesterday we started a new unit which is F.L.A.S.H. We talked about expectations and we looked at a case study.

Here is a website that has more information about the FLASH curriculum.